KKK Special on History Channel


Dec 7, 2004
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"We don't burn the cross, we light it on fire to glorify the light of Jesus"

"No ******s, no damn parasitic, blood sucking jews, just white people! Damn mad white people with fire...that's what it's all about!"

...some of these people are the stupidest, most violent individuals I've seen in a while. One of the guys was talking about killing people if they ever came near him and he said he was willing to do anything and go to any means necessary to get the message of the Klan across; while the camera pans to Klansmen walking around with rifles.

They had children, 5-10yr olds, dressed up in the outfits walking around with the fire before they light the cross on fire. Talk about getting them young...
So I was thinking. You might not agree, but why doesn't congress or whomever make it illegal to be apart of the KKK. Send in some swat/national guards and tell them that if they resist being arrested, you'll shoot them. Then do it.

Would that be so wrong?
Media manipulation is a popular and effective tool. One could make any group look bad by picking out the most psychotic members.
So I was thinking. You might not agree, but why doesn't congress or whomever make it illegal to be apart of the KKK. Send in some swat/national guards and tell them that if they resist being arrested, you'll shoot them. Then do it.

Would that be so wrong?

I don't see anything constitutionally wrong with that.
I caught about 30 seconds of it when the guy had the baby in his arms dressed in a little hood. It was kind of cute, actually.
I see racism as something quite interesting in America. We believe in both equality and liberty, but sometimes you have to take one to give another.

The KKK are so offensive to most people because they protest against certain races, which completely opposes our fundamental ideals of equality. But at the same time, don't they have complete right to do so by the means of their God given liberty? Who am I to judge them for speaking their minds?
equality of ability doesn't exist...if that were so that Zevras would be eating Lions.
Freedom to suppress the freedom of others?
I personally found what they did disgusting and frankly the fact that they are still around sickens me even more.
Ye wanna rough 'em up Jebadiah? Get ge GER!

I thought those ****s were disbanded long ago?

Ohhh no. Recently a black man was a clan leader or something like that..some undercover cop or something. Was quite hilarious. When he started to get too far in, he had to get out. He has the plaque and everything they give out. Was just awesome.
Holy shit, that guy needs a ****ing medal for going behind enemy lines like that.
Media manipulation is a popular and effective tool. One could make any group look bad by picking out the most psychotic members.

Oh those poor KKK members, they've been misrepresented this entire time.

Boo ****ing Hoo
Judging by the quotes, I am right to have cookie cutta on my ignore list still.
the kkk have their own tv programs and one of their grand wizards ran for president of the US ...since 9/11 membership in the klan has skyrocketed

That guy on the right has a jewish nose.

In the late 1970s, the Ku Klux Klan was expanding in Colorado. Ron Stallworth was an undercover cop who tried to infiltrate the group. He disguised himself as a bigot and signed up with a local KKK chapter.

He began by answering a newspaper ad by phone and used what he said were all the buzzwords the Klansmen liked to hear. They liked Stallworth, asked him to join. Time went by and he became intimately involved with the group. He even exchanged numerous phone calls with Klan leader David Duke, who would often mock or insult minorities on the phone with Stallworth.

He was considered one of the KKK's most loyal members. So one day, the group even asked him to be the leader of their local chapter in Colorado Springs. But there was one huge hurdle Stallworth had to overcome during his work, he’s black.
