Kmack Back?


Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
well another summer came and went, and i lived in my alternate reality (no internet :( ) and worked my ass off for little gain, hooray summer.

well just wanted to say hi again now its time to see what i missed :smoking:
You have 2 posts.

Surely noone knows you well enough for you to deserve your own thread.

Unless you reregistered.
solaris152000 said:
You have 2 posts.

Surely noone knows you well enough for you to deserve your own thread.

Unless you reregistered.

had over a a grand and a half of posts, but guess i got booted for inactivity (been about 4 months now)

ty fort he warm welcome though ;)
Originally posted by Kmack:
had over a a grand and a half of posts, but guess i got booted for inactivity (been about 4 months now)

ty fort he warm welcome though

How can they boot you. Thats not allowed. I have seen people from 2003 still here with 2 posts!
welcome back. i knew i recognized your name.
ya, im the same kmack, just my password didnt work and the system said it didnt recognize my email, figured i was inactive and just recreated, hopw i didnt break the rules! be gentle :o
And it was getting relativly peacefull in the politics forums.
Well anyway glad your on my side.
Anyway is that true about bodaciouse.
Grey Fox said:
And it was getting relativly peacefull in the politics forums.
Well anyway glad your on my side.
Anyway is that true about bodaciouse.

Nope, I was being silly :E

He was banned.