Knight Rider

I don't get it, it was a pitcure of Hassle-the-hoff with red eyes...
Haha, awesome. Reminds me of Milk & Cereal.
a new remake now,.. :O pls tell me your tellin the truth and its not some vivid fantasy :D
I remember this one episode where someone was poisoning the town's water supply, and he drove out to this crane that was about to bust the pipes open or something, and the crane turned and started swinging it's clobber ball thing at the car and he was driving round trying to dodge it, then it randomly goes to a shot of Hasslehoff swerving frantically in the driver seat, and he says "it just goes to show that smoking doesn't pay."

You tell me :|
The windshield wipers on nightrider were evil. It didnt come up in the show very often though.

I also once herd that car say "Puerto-ricans are lazy michael"