knowing whether or not your card can handle the max resolution listed

Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
the highest listed for me is 1600x1200 and I can't use it. If i select it HL2 crashes and won't restart unless i put -x1024 -y760 or whatever in the startup options. I was wondering if i shouldn't expect my card to handle that rez or if I'm not getting the most out of my card. I tried OC'ing it buy I don't think I've done a very good job. GeForce 5700 Ultra 128mb OC'd a little. Can I get your opinions on OC'ing utilities and such for NVidia? or maybe I'll just say **** it and use the financing on NewEgg to build me a new system and pay for it over time....*shrugs*
Overclocking your gpu Ive heard is never a good idea, as for your gpu, i dont think that that card can handle Half life 2 at that resolution, i have a 6200 and can barely run on 1400x600 on that either, just because the setting is there and your screen can handle it doesnt mean your card can, what is your full specs and your screen native resolution

* isnt 1600x1200 wide screen, or no? *
it usually says in the card's specs what the max res it can run at is
dont even try that high of resolution on that card. even if it did work you would have terrible fps, but i think the main reason is because of the 128mb. i think you need a 256mb card to run at that resolution. i would only recommend running it at 1024x768 anyways on that card so you will have the best performance.