kojima working on new game

next week eh? i doubt its mgs4 just coz the games just been announced but whos knows? maybe snatcher 2 or a new policenauts?
hopefully a new IP, would love to see what other new and exciting ideas that man has locked upo in his brain
Icarusintel said:
hopefully a new IP, would love to see what other new and exciting ideas that man has locked upo in his brain
ip?was da? :stare:
Like <RJMC>, I hope it's Zone of the Enders 3.
I loved that first game. I haven't played the 2nd Runner, but it's too late to get a PS2 just for that game. I played it a lot at someone's house and rented it. Metal Gear Solid 4 is a given because Hideo Kojima already said he's working on it. This game might also be Guy Savage.
I felt the first Zone of The Enders game was under-rated.
heh, that minigame happened to me and it freaked me out - I took the disc out and made sure I was playing mgs.
Oh man... give people a spoiler warning with the wikipedia link! Plot is integral to the MGS games, and I haven't played 3 yet... I almost ruined it for myself there.
It's not MGS4, because everyone already know he's working on that, I've heard from alot of people and a few sites that he's working on a new IP as someone here hoped.
FictiousWill said:
heh, that minigame happened to me and it freaked me out - I took the disc out and made sure I was playing mgs.
lol that minigame was fun, if you got enough combos you got this almost bullettime power, it was badass, shame they didnt employ the camera from the minigame in mgs3. :(