Konami's new title: Six Days in Fallujah

Dec 2, 2004
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War, for Konami, has changed again. The publisher is heading back to the Middle East with Six Days in Fallujah, a new, documentary-style video game set in the Iraq War.

According to the Wall Street Journal's report on the Atomic Games developed title, Six Days in Fallujah will be a commentary-free "game-amentary" that deals with the complex issues of war and the difficult decisions one must make, all set against the replicated backdrop of the Second Battle of Fallujah.

It's either gonna be a total shitfest game or really well done game.
Gunna be a shitfest because they wont have the balls to do it right in terms of content, and they will let the controversy sell the game rather than solid gameplay.
Oh God not another Middle East based game...
Nice marketing angle for a shooter! Is Kojima involved at all?
Nice marketing angle for a shooter! Is Kojima involved at all?
Had you read the link in the first post you'd realized that it is being developed by Atomic Games, an independent company located in the USA, it developed the Close Combat FPS.

So, considering it is a third-party dev, not even owned by Konami, and located in the US, I highly doubt Kojima is involved.
That has got to be the least interesting screenshot I have ever seen for a video game. I feel like I've already played that scene a million times.
I don't like army games in general, but CoD 4 was really ****ing well done (if short). This... doesn't look like it'll even approach that territory.
When they describe it, it just sounds like Middle-East war game #145.

Are they writing a new engine from scratch for this, or is it using one we're familiar with?
I am a bit interesed on it,however as was mentioned the controversy will make it sell

however I am interested in the way they plan to make it since is something that should have been done some time ago and only comparation is operation flashpoint,the whole thing of focussing in war in a more realistic way instead of just soldiers shooting and taking a checkpoint

I read that the developers even say that insurgents helped to the development in some way,just as iraqi citizens and soldiers that where there

offcourse the whole thing is opossed by iraq veterans and such for saying that its not apropiate since the war is still going on
i have high hopes for this game, it looks like it could be a classic. then again, full spectrum warrior looked the same way.
Following some heavy, initial criticism of their title "Six Days in Fallujah", Japanese publishers Konami have decided not to release it.

"After seeing the reaction to the videogame in the United States and hearing opinions sent through phone calls and e-mail, we decided several days ago not to sell it" a Konami spokesperson told Japanese news site Asahi.

Announcing Konami's new title: Six Days in Fallujah Circa 1991
meh it sounded like generic garbage anyways

Immediately it was apparent that Six Days is not aiming for a very realistic take on modern warfare. I never did imagine that Atomic would create a plodding, Operation Flashpoint-esque shooter in the sacrifice of action-packed combat. But considering the extensive marketing on the point of realism, I certainly didn't expect to see soldiers running out into the middle of the street during a firefight, taking a half-dozen bullets in the chest, and then regenerating their health safely behind cover. Not in a planned demonstration for press, at least.

In fact, from what Konami showed us, Six Days is far closer to Gears of War than America's Army. It has the same Gears D-pad weapon selection, the same style of cover system, and the same action-oriented gameplay.

In another clip, the player broke off from his squad, crouched up behind two insurgents who were firing on US soldiers, and took them out from a few feet away like some kind of renegade commando. I may be ignorant of this particular battle, but I've certainly never heard of any Army ninjas breaking off from their squads and capping insurgents solo. Maybe something like that has happened once or twice; either way, the videogamey nature of the moment seemed entirely out of place.

woah I'm surpised. I doubt I would have got it but still I'm surprised.
Full Spectrum Warrior > this
honestly I find the cancellation kind of stupid

games like mercenaries and a ghost recon that where set in north korea where critized by the goverment of korea in a similiar way but I dont see that developer said anything about it
It's not canceled, Konami just pussied out and Atomic Games is minus a publisher (and probably funding). It may find a new home, who knows. Sounds like they were going in the wrong direction with it anyways. :|
Ya, the game didnt sound like anything special but pulling out is so lame.
honestly I find the cancellation kind of stupid

games like mercenaries and a ghost recon that where set in north korea where critized by the goverment of korea in a similiar way but I dont see that developer said anything about it
Yeah but you see, US > South Korea > North Korea.

+ The fact Capcom are wuzzes.