Kotick vs. Thompson: whoever loses, we win


Space Core
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score

ctivision CEO Bobby Kotick gave a speech at the DICE summit, and during the presentation he seemed both unrehearsed and surprisingly human. His unguarded remarks to industry peers don't resemble his more hawkish quotes while talking to investors or other businessmen. Of particular note is his admission of having an addictive personality, and staying away from playing games because of it.

"I'm a single Dad, and I have three daughters... and I like to eat. I'd say it's pretty much an addiction," he said in his speech, talking about his physique. "The nature of my personality is such that if I was regularly playing Modern Warfare 2 like a lot of you I would not be able to stop and it would be at the expense of all my regular responsibilities." G4 has video of the entire speech, and it's worth watching.

Disbarred attorney and noted anti-game activist Jack Thompson used this speech and candid admission as another way to attack the industry. "What does it say about the addictiveness of videogames if the CEO of the third largest publisher in the world can't play games because of his addictive personality?" Thompson asked in a letter to California state legislator Leland Yee (D), the sponsor of the failed Californa gaming legislation. "This admission flies in the face of video game industry spokespersons' false, sometimes perjured assertions, that video games do not affect the behavior of minors. Here is a full-grown adult (at least in chronological terms) admitting just the opposite."
I ask... who cares about Jack Thompson anymore? He's been proven to the world to be a joke.
Yup. Thompson is just bitter here because he realises that the North American gamer hate figure of choice has been Kotick for some time. He can't even move to another English speaking part of the world and be himself. Keith Vaz and Michael Atkinson have it covered for him.
ctivision could hire enough lawyers that they won't have to worry about Thomson. Ever.
Thompson has a reading/hearing comprehension problem. How does someone who doesnt play game having an addictive personality mean games are addictive?

Also, I had forgotten about Thompson. I wish it could have stayed that way.
You are now manually thinking about Jack Thompson.
Bobby Kotick is my hero. If I can piss of gamers, and take their money and become a multimillionaire while at it. It would be like a dream come true.