KOTOR 2 restoration


Sep 13, 2003
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I remember playing Knights of the Old Republic 2, and being unsatisfied with the game. Turns out a lot of amazing material, especially a more fleshed out ending, was cut from the game. Back when it first came out, I heard of a group that was working on restoring this lost content. I thought it would never work out, and forgot about it.

Now that I've come back to the KOTOR series, I went back to the restoration site. Turns out they've made a lot of progress. I hope they release a public version soon, and try out their hard work.

Has anybody else heard of this, or know any details on when they'll be done?

Damn when I saw this thread I was actually hoping to read that it was released. :(
Psh, KoToR 2 sucked. I had it for xbox, and Oh, was I so dissapointed with the ending and there was no path to light or darkside... it was retarded..

Like how you have to choose to go with Bastila or kill her in 1, thats the decision I'm talking about.
Psh, KoToR 2 sucked. I had it for xbox, and Oh, was I so dissapointed with the ending and there was no path to light or darkside... it was retarded..

Like how you have to choose to go with Bastila or kill her in 1, thats the decision I'm talking about.

But you could choose that no matter how you had played the game before. For example, you could have been strictly LS but then suddenly turn and kill her.
Have you even played the game? Killing her is LS, and joining her is DS.
And yeah, thats what I did :P Only.. I was LS and I did DS!
Oh, my bad. My point still stands, though.
Wait, killing her is DS? D:

Actually I can't remember what I did... But I tried to do the LS that time.... hmm... I ended up destroying malak and the star forge.. IIRC :/ damn I dunno.
Well don't tell cause I'm playing the DS now for the first time (yeah lol, LS took me a year to finish (litterally) and about 2.5 years later (right now) I started with the DS. that includes kotor2).
I'll tell you what I did. I slapped some sense into that girl and then laid down some of my Jedi-powered jungle love on her in the back of the Star Forge for about an hour.
If it weren't for the bugs and the rushed ending (*shakes fist at lucas arts*) I would say that KotOR 2 was better than KotOR 1 - there were many improvements from the original.
I'm in the middle of replaying KotOR 1 at the moment. I'm going to try and hold off replaying KotOR 2 until the restoration project is done even if it does take a while.

Oh and take a look at the trailer.
Psh, KoToR 2 sucked. I had it for xbox, and Oh, was I so dissapointed with the ending and there was no path to light or darkside... it was retarded..

Like how you have to choose to go with Bastila or kill her in 1, thats the decision I'm talking about.

Um exactly, the creators wanted you to choose you're own path rather than forcing you *cough*KOTOR I*cough* to be either LS or DS. The world doesn't work like that. I'm hoping Obsidian do KOTOR III, but that's probably not gonna happen.
Well, they should atleast set a path that will help you find the different endings.

Did KoTOR2 have 2 different endings?
Um exactly, the creators wanted you to choose you're own path rather than forcing you *cough*KOTOR I*cough* to be either LS or DS. The world doesn't work like that. I'm hoping Obsidian do KOTOR III, but that's probably not gonna happen.

Well, the Star Wars universe is a black/white one. It's all about the dark side versus the light side. You can't really knock KOTOR I for adhering to that for the most part. And for all its philosophizing on moral ambiguity and the balance of good and evil, KOTOR 2 ended up playing on the same continuum from the first game for all practical purposes.

IRT Acepilot: Yes, there were technically two endings. However, there was little meaningful difference between the two.
It was refreshing for Star Wars related media to actually make you think about your overall actions and be ambigious toward what is good or evil and of course, no black/white crap. Bioware touched upon it with Jolee Bindo, but practically every character in KOTOR II (while not as well developed thanks to being forced with releasing early) wasn't just some do gooder who believed in the light whole heartedly. They were angry, misguided, used, abused, and manipulated/manipulative people. But in the Exile they saw hope and a rebirth in themselves.

KOTOR II was just more meaningful to me.
Ahhh, Kotor 2. Such amazing writing and characters wasted on such buggy, outdated gameplay. Really, though, don't let anyone tell you this game sucks if you enjoy RPGs for the dialogue and moral decisions. Kotor 2 is an interpersonal masterpiece, it just kind of went unnoticed.
KOTOR 2 belongs to Obsidian NOT Bioware.

KOTOR 1 was much more linear and simple in terms of plot and gameplay than KOTOR 2.

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of KOTOR 2 (except for the lags in Nar Shaddaa, running a game on a Duron 800 MHz and 256 Mb RAM with a GeForce 2 MX has never been so fun!) and loved how the characters are fleshed out and weapons/armors can be pimped at the assembly table.