Kuma Reality to Use Source


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Kuma Reality Games, creators of Kuma\War, announced today that they have licensed Valve's Source Engine to create new game content which is already currently under development. One of the titles is a sequel to Kuma\War, while another project is a "comedic action title" that is still under tight wraps. The public has been given a bit of insight from Kuma Reality on their plans for Source:
Kuma has been tremendously successful over the last two years, but we're ready to move to the next generation of video games," said Kuma CEO Keith Halper. "By using Source, we'll be able to create realistic characters for our upcoming episodic television-like products.
Both titles are scheduled to be released later this year.
Kuma\War looks interesting, but a bit dubious. Has anyone tried it out?
Kuma War = :frown:. Kuma coming to Source = :frown:.
Never heard of kuma\war before, can't really take that as a good sign. But hey, good luck to them!
This game is very immoral, do you guys know what this game is.

They watch the news about Iraq then make it into a crap action game, immoral bast*ards. It is disrespectfull and insulting to the people who live and are stationed in Iraq and other countires.

No-one should buy this. This is one of the few games that actually would fit for the Daily Mails famous "Ban this sick filth article" and be agreed upon by gamers.
Dowie said:
This game is very immoral, do you guys know what this game is.

They watch the news about Iraq then make it into a crap action game, immoral bast*ards. It is disrespectfull and insulting to the people who live and are stationed in Iraq and other countires.

No-one should buy this. This is one of the few games that actually would fit for the Daily Mails famous "Ban this sick filth article" and be agreed upon by gamers.


Oh man, we should start banning games based on WWII and Vietnam! It's disrespectful to the people who where stationed there!

Get your head out ya ass.
^Ben said:

Oh man, we should start banning games based on WWII and Vietnam! It's disrespectful to the people who where stationed there!

Get your head out ya ass.

No you don't get it, WW2 games wernt made while the WW2 was happening, this is making events that are happening this second into entertainment straight away.
Dowie said:
No you don't get it, WW2 games wernt made while the WW2 was happening, this is making events that are happening this second into entertainment straight away.

Oh yeah ignore Full Spectrum Warrior, Ghost Recon, Op Flashpoint, and the hundreds of other game that market modern desert warfare simply beacuse this game uses the iraq war as a marketing strategy. The only thing I find offensive about Kuma war is how terrible the actual gameplay is.
I think a lot more development teams would be licencing the source engine if the old code hadn't been leaked onto the net by the hacker. Regardless of how much Valve may have reworked it afterwards there are always going to be suspicions about how secure it is. I'm not sure if I was doug or gabe I'd want to licence to kuma tbh. The content seems a little to now for my tastes.
babyheadcrab said:
Oh yeah ignore Full Spectrum Warrior, Ghost Recon, Op Flashpoint, and the hundreds of other game that market modern desert warfare simply beacuse this game uses the iraq war as a marketing strategy. The only thing I find offensive about Kuma war is how terrible the actual gameplay is.

You forgot Battlefield 2!
Kadayi, I'm pretty sure that's not why more development teams are using Source.
Dowie said:
No you don't get it, WW2 games wernt made while the WW2 was happening, this is making events that are happening this second into entertainment straight away.

So disrespecting people who are long dead makes it right in your opinion? You know, you have a large inconsistency issue. = \
yeah thats true. Its just the fact that if there is a terrorist attack in Iraq this game makes this exact attack in the game and releases it. It just doesnt seem right.

But yes you are right in what you are saying.