L4D Clips :)

Not to be a downer, but this has been posted at least twice.

man such a ****ing hilarious game, lo0ost is me.

the game started out hilariously, for some reason(I guess I must have miss clicked) the game started out on expert difficulty but none of us knew and we played as if it was advanced...that ended up really badly, with us getting raped already as we got to the other side of the greenhouse in the beginning of "Dead air".
(also of course we forgot about this, once we started a new map and the difficulty was reset to expert after having voted for advanced in the previous chapter...so... much butt rape ensued).

anyways for the clip in question...we had just "battled" a tank...actually it was more like us running around like headless chickens screaming like girls...the result was that I was the only one left standing. with no ammo for my primary, and dwindling red health, so I just bolted for the next closet so I could save my buddies, as I entered the left window I spotted a boomer trying to vomit on me and dozen of zombies...so I backtrack out the window and try and get in the other one, only to get snatched by a smoker from behind, mere meters from reaching my friends....

here's another one...same people, hilarious game...I really tried my hardest to get generator back up, but the director just wouldn't let me, and kept swarming the place with infected...and then of course the smoker came in at the end and ****ed it all up:

I'm going to have to record every single one of my games, because there is ALWAYS some sort of epic thing that happens when I'm not recording.
I'm going to have to record every single one of my games, because there is ALWAYS some sort of epic thing that happens when I'm not recording.

That's what i used to do with BF2 because of the same reason. I ended up filling up my 400 gig hard disk in a matter of days, which sucked, because i had to trawl through and pick out the good bits.
I'm actually going to just record .dem files, and then use FRAPs when I find one I like.
maybe "record" in console? just guessing, but it seems most logical. :P