L4D killed my Xbox360

Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
I have been playing L4D like mad, and today, i find out tha tmy xbox is flashing 3 red lights. Left 4 dead killed my xbox and im very pissed off. This game is probably too much for the xbox to handle. :(
If you've been "playing it like mad", then there is a good chance you have played too much and overheated your console.

That would not be the games fault.
It is true, L4D is too much awesome for the system to handle at large quantities. You must now remove its CPU to prevent it from coming back as a zombie.
ive been making a lot of cheese-toasties recently, and today the machine broke. ****ing cheese.

...see what i did there? thats right, i dominated you by mocking your sentence structure.

no seriously though it happens. my old xbox died after a particularly brutal test drive unlimited session. either call MS if its underwarranty or go buy a core-pack and use your old hdd.
SO, would it be cheaper to buy a core, or just send it to microsoft. Im also considering the towel trick which kinda scares me= void warranty, although i think thats over...

and i noticed when i got back from work, i turned on agian and it had greenrings, then i turn it off to test it, and it goes back to red rings. Damn microsoft
hmm, now it seems to work. Like, i turn it on, its red, then turn it off, then on agian, and it changes to green. Maybe i can squeeze a little more life out of this xbox.......L4D, here i come....
That's what you get for playing L4D on a 360.

But seriously, set up massive fans to blow lots of air on that ****er if you're going to continue playing.