L4D Mod Looking for More


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Looking for more to join an international Mod Team for Left 4 Dead. Developing two teams, one in London (which is also the setting) and US. We have professional concept artist, 3D Modeler, texture artist, and sound team (original score, voice acting, and sound fx). Script is complete, design document is at 20%.

We are looking for coder, web developer and play testers.

For fun we are working on mostly open source software (Blender, GIMP, OpenOffice, Kompozer, Audacity), though if you owe your own software (Maya, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Reason) , thats fine as well.

If you are an experienced coder and what to see work product first before you commit, just shoot me a note.

Scrum experience is a good thing, if not you'll learn fast.

Will be great resume builder for people that are willing to work hard for the sake of making a game that will never directly make any money. Please submit cover letter, resume and one work product to: thecurator(at)gmail.com.
Not a deal breaker, if you happen to be in London or Boulder, CO, then there will be meetings. Other than that, weekly conference call, and daily posting. Committed hours will be agreed upon at initial signing on (we know its not paying gig, but we also know some people work harder on their hobbies than their jobs ;). Its modified SCRUM, but will be good for people, just getting into development. One of our designers is a PS3 game designer, one is a professional artist, and the sound engineer is pro as well.

Again, if you're good, we can show you work product and then you can decide.

I dont know if i could help with any actual work, but I would love to playtest for you