Lack of Enemies *spoliers*


Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone else a wee bit peeved at the lack of enemies in the game?

I mean when you count them up you have:

Combine Police
Combine Security
Combine Super White Guys
Creepy Hunchback Slow Zombie
Fast ****er Zombie
Zippy Headcrabs
Freaky as **** Headcrabs
Big Ant Lions
Dr Breen

Thats about your lot in the whole game. I feel there should have been more end of level bosses like in HL where you get a huge range of big bastard things to kill and have to use ingenious ways to kill them.....I missed that in HL2

Also where were the ninja sniper fast chick like baddies?
johnstone said:
Anyone else a wee bit peeved at the lack of enemies in the game?

I mean when you count them up you have:

Combine Police
Combine Security
Combine Super White Guys
Creepy Hunchback Slow Zombie
Fast ****er Zombie
Zippy Headcrabs
Freaky as **** Headcrabs
Big Ant Lions
Dr Breen

I have the same feeling, however, you left out the small flying things with razors.
.casper said:
I have the same feeling, however, you left out the small flying things with razors.
You mean the manhacks (gotta love the name)

Also never forget the barnacle (thing that sticks to the ceiling)
And the mad jumping mines..and Turrets, they are baddies too, just AI ones :D
oh come on, there was the End of loading Stutter Boss and those sneaky Crash Bugs to deal with too - so difficult, I never got past them.
Enemies in HL1:
Ichyasaur (spelling?)
Vortiguants (a.k.a. "Alien Slaves")
Alien Grunts (quite likely the Xen equivalent of Combine soldiers)
Alien Controllers
Military Special Forces
Female Assassins
Big Momma

Total: 15

Enemies in HL2:
Headcrabs - Normal
Headcrabs - Poisonous
Headcrabs - Fast
Zombies - Normal
Zombies - Poisonous
Zombies - Fast
Antlion Guards
Ichyasaur (ok sure you dont fight it, but you see it)
Combine Civil Protection (ie police)
Combine Soldier - Standard
Combine Soldier - Nova Prospekt Prison Guards
Combine Soldier - Combine Elite
Scanners - Standard
Scanners - Military
Combine Helicopters
Combine APCs
Dropships w/ Troop Containers

Totals: 21

But if you look at the HL2 list, you'll notice a lot of the enemies are variants on each other. If you count headcrabs, zombies and combine soldiers and scanners all as one each, and don't count the enemies that you don't actually fight such as Ichy (I guess leeches still count because they do attack you, even if you can't defeat them, and Breen counts in the same way The Nihilanth counted, it's the final boss battle!), then you only end up with 16. Only 15 if you count Civil Protection and Combine Soldiers as one, which is a bit of a stretch because they have different AI, voices, animations, etc.

However saying that all the varieties of zombie and headcrab are the same is unfair, because they're quite obviously not. Saying the various soldiers are the same would also be unfair because they too have different AI, even if they are just reskins of each other. When playing on Hard, you will notice a difference in the AI between Elites and the other 2 soldiers.

Now, all this maths aside, I do get what you mean. It really does feel like I spend the entire game fighting either zombies and headcrabs, antlions, or the combine. But once again... It's much the same in HL1... There was the military, the xen and the xen wildlife that wasn't really actively involved in what was going on, but still tried to eat you... It's weird... I definately got the same vibe you got when I played... But when you really look logically, there does indeed seem to be more content in HL2....

Weird, very weird.... Maybe our expectations and appetites have just changed?
You also forgot, again for HL1, the big green tentacles that are deaf, come out of the ground, and impale you.
In conclusion, all you mean is that in HL2 there should be more variable enemy. Am I write? :cheese:
Heh yeah baby headcrabs... I hated those little bastards, you could barely see them, let alone hit them... But yeah good points guys.
In conclusion, all you mean is that in HL2 there should be more variable enemy. Am I write?

You are very.........write :p (you actually spell it like R.I.G.H.T)
Just thought of some more. Tanks, helicopters and flying Xen glider things were also in HL1, plus automated sentry guns in both HL1 and HL2. The Xen-glider things weren't a real danger, though. :)

The suppressor gun in HL2 is kind of like the troop-operated rocket-launcher in HL1.

The wall-mines were an enemy of a sort in HL1, much more dangerous than the equivalent hopper mines in HL2.
Combine Soldier - Standard
Combine Soldier - Nova Prospekt Prison Guards

What's the difference? Do they wear different boots or something?
Revenge said:
Enemies in HL2:
Headcrabs - Normal
Headcrabs - Poisonous
Headcrabs - Fast
Zombies - Normal
Zombies - Poisonous
Zombies - Fast
Antlion Guards
Ichyasaur (ok sure you dont fight it, but you see it)
Combine Civil Protection (ie police)
Combine Soldier - Standard
Combine Soldier - Nova Prospekt Prison Guards
Combine Soldier - Combine Elite
Scanners - Standard
Scanners - Military
Combine Helicopters
Combine APCs
Dropships w/ Troop Containers

Totals: 21

You forgot rollermines and hoppers.
LOL @ this thread. The ones complaining about and defending the enemies in these games can't remember them all. gee gee
leeches, hoppers, what are these things, i played all the way thru but never saw them (i dont think)

I wouldn't include leeches because the player can't fight them. They're only used as a barrier.

Hoppers are those jumpy mine things.
leaches were in the ocean if you go out quite far, they attack and kill you to stop swimming out the map.
Hoppers were them little mines on the floor, with blue/green lights on them, that you could pick up and throw. I'm sure you met those!
the roller mines, on highway 17 rite?

but where do you find the leeches?


edit: o rite, thanks glen (isnt dog's ball a roller mine with out the blue light thing?)
Actually, I meant the tentacles are blind, not deaf. I wonder why they couldn't apply that to the hydra and make it work.
Because that wasn't what was stopping it from being a good enemy. The problem with the hydra was that it looked dumb when it attacked you. Apparently all you could see was this blue blob.
when hl2 got announced we got promised over 50 enemy's, and allot of them got cut because they didn't fit the story, didnt do the playability of the game any good or simply sucked. or got put on hold for hl3
hildigrim said:
You are very.........write :p (you actually spell it like R.I.G.H.T)

All rites are still wrong, and everything I say is a lie.. no worries.

HL was an awesome game for it's day, and is still quite an amazing piece of work. HL2, I think, is even better.. even when you consider they cranked everything up to match this day and age... PLUS those people go ALL OUT with that SDK. They want to see other people making cool stuff with their work, and it shows, big time... and well, as has been mentioned, there's tons of room for expansion packs, HL2.5, or whatever.

The more I look at the SDK the more I'm just amazed at what they give out.. the only stuff they don't give out is (ok, mostly) the stuff 99% (of even the moders and coders) wouldn't want to have to do.. low level grunt work, and I'm sure tons of it.

Well, that's my opinion, obviously. :)

vsaravia said:
You forgot Dr. Mossman. She was briefly an enemy.

Ya, I tried to shoot her, Super Grav Cannon her, frag.. nothing stopped her.. she must be playing in god mode. :-/

HL2 has actually got a good range of enemies compared to other FPS games... I think of Doom 3 and see that there were barely any enemies at all (at least, they pretty much played the same anyway). Sadly, HL2 is handicapped on two fronts:

1. The infamous "X was in RtB/Beta/E3 Movie" problem, where people feel cheated for no better reason than they've seen an enemy which Valve have decided has no potential to work in their game.
2. As the sequel to HL1, HL2's enemy roster doesn't have quite as many "wow" moments. The lack of "puzzle bosses" like the tentacle or gargantua, Assassin enemies or downright bizarre designs (the Gonarch will always be known by yours truely as "the scrotum beast") counts against HL2.

I'd personally say that HL2's enemy roster is one of the best i've seen, but I think we all wanted those enemies that wowed us so much when HL1 was released. Looking at the E3 vids, we all thought that the Hydra had the potential, but evidently it wasn't to be....