ladders dont work


Nov 25, 2004
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i made a ladder from a npc furniture entity then i placed a func_useable ladder entity and put one of the blocks at the top of the ladder and one at the bottom and put a ladder dismount at one end and one at the other on the floor but when i try to get on the ladder i just fall. the funk useable ladder isnt intersecting with any geometry and when i do sv_showladders it says make sure bbox and ladder dismounts are created before map load or sumthing i have no idea why it isnt working does anyone know?
it has to be covered in a brush with a tools/latter texture
what does? the func useable ladder entity? do i create a brush the texture it that then pres ctrl t an make it a func ladder or add it as an entity then cover it twith that texture?
no you make a block that spans the length of your latter and put that over top of the latter and cover the brush in the texture
It depends what game you are mapping for. CS:S uses the old brushes with ladder texture method, and HL2DM and HLSP uses the new func_useable ladder entity.

Some people put 3 dismount points at each end of the ladder - one directly in front of it, and one on each side so it is easier to climb onto.
I dont use any ladder texture and my ladders work fine in CS:S.

I built a ladder from brushes and grouped all the pieces together. Next I created a func_usableladder at the bottom of my ladder brush and then dragged it by that X in the middle of the func_usableladder entitiy (on one of the x/y, y/z, x/z grids) up to where I wanted the ladder to end. Make sure there is nothing in the path you will be moving up the ladder (not even the ladder!) If you do have something in the way I believe the ladder will still function but you just cant get past that spot. I give the ladder a name and create two func_ladderdismounts... one at the top and one at bottom of my ladder. You can add more func_ladderdismounts if you like to make it easier to get on your ladder but I never really have a problem with just one. Then I plug the name of my func_usableladder into the func_ladderdismounts. Last step is selecting the func_usableladder AND my ladder brush (my ladder is a bunch of brushes that are grouped together) at the same time press ctr+t and select func_ladder. Wa-la... la la ladder.

Making a ladder out of alot of brushes may not be the best way to do this. If I just used a ladder texture it would decrease the number of brushes on my map but this way I can make my ladders look exactly how I like.

Im not sure if this stuff is true or just some superstitions I adhere too but I make sure that my func_usable ladder is a few units off the ground.. like 8 or so. I also make sure that my func_ladderdismounts arent touching the ground either.