Ladders... hmm...

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Me get confused when ladder come to conversation because I am the forsaken of ladders. Ladders do not like me. Now, I know where to find the ladder model *duh* but I dont know how to activate it to be climbed!! Quick help me or I'm dead... NOO NOOO *KINK* SHAZBOT!
I found ladders still kinda buggy, when ya go to ladder.. i mean i start to climbe up (or down :)) it "lags" on it.. jaggy .. or whatever that word is =)

There was comments for that tutorial:

"Nutrox says:
You're NOT supposed to place the func_useableladder path (or start / end blocks) so that they touch any objects. If the ladder path passes through an object (like in the picture up there) then you will get the horrible shake."

So.. Take a advice, i did.. hopefully it works
if all else fails just copy paste the ladder from the demo map !
Demo map? I will look at this and the link to the tutorial and take that advice!! Because I am not blind NOR STUPID! Well..... nevermind anyway thats guys.
Well I am having continued trouble =/ for some reason they just arent working. I did everything in that one tutorial there and even tried valve's ladder tutorial and its all a no go, I dont know why =/.