Ladders on Moving Objects (like func_rotating or other)


Nov 9, 2003
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Here's a good question for you. The VERC guys havent been very forthcoming with any sort of response or question even.

I need to have a *functional* ladder attached to a large func_rotating for a non-CSS map. Ive tried making a func_useableladder with dismounts and parenting them to the func_rotating (all these entities are uniquely named) and the ladder only functions when the ladder brush is in the starting position. It wont work once the func_rotating rotates until it gets back to the start position.

Is there any way to have a ladder that will move with a moving entity, or should I spend some time making a number of these ladders for the other degree/angle positions that this ladder would occupy in the course of moving?

Thanks in advance.

if yoou've already tried parenting, and it doesn't work, then there is really no way to get the ladder to move with it. You're best bet is to just place several ladders at points where they can access them, like you said.
Wouldn't that leave useless ladders which you can climb but they really have no function?
Sounds very much like the ladder is hardcoded to be a static entity.
I made an array of ladders and I get somewhat of the effect I want. IT does have side effects though like if you approach the center column from any side you will likely be able to climb it. If there was a way to disable the ladders and enable them based on the location of the rotating platform ... well that would be ideal.
Scotchy , if I understand you right you want to limit access to the ladders leading to the platform.
You could do this by using some form of blocking agent(walls pipes etc) that are attached to the moving part of the platform , but at a different "0`clock" position , if that makes sense.
These "blockers" would need to clear the ladders as they rotate, but by a small amount , so that they would interfere with any players on the ladder at the time of passing.
True it would mean players having limlted time to complete their ascent, but it would limit access.
That makes sense to me... you're thinking something along the lines of a cylinder (say 16 sides) with a side or 2 missing where the ladder is (and maybe some carving to allow players onto the ladder area. Then texture it Player Clip and make it a func_crush and parent it to the func_rotating (or just rebuild the func_rotating with this brush as an aspect of the overall entity)?

I'll give it a try. Hopefully with some clever clip-brush making and something that seems to logically block their path (like pipes... pipes are goign to be a major setpiece in the room).

Since this area and object are something that are already established (not my original creation... a replica of another place) in their own right, I can only play around with them to a certain degree. There arent any pipes that rotate with the object, but I may be able to place some pipes that are stationary in the path... so logn as I limit the rotational movement to not impact wit hthe pipes and maybe find a way to toggle the...

Sorry... I just had a blast of inspiration. I'm off to see If I can make it happen!
Glad to have been of some help. Having said that, I just saw this: http://www.*************/wiki/index.php/Ladders

It seems to suggest that moving ladders are a possibilty after all.
Quote: "If the ladder is near any other ladders or the ladder moves along with a parented object you should give the ladder a name and have the ladder's dismount points point to the ladder"

The site names been auto-censored , that should tell you where its from ;)
btw, for anyone who cant figure it out, that ******** = h t t p: / / w w w . h l 2 w o r l d . c o m /