Lag jumps with large servers...


Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
....compared with 16-18 player servers which perform well but go to a 24+ server and the lag jumps are annoying to the point i don't want to play. Is there anything i can do stop this and enjoy large servers or is this down to may setup? Which is not slow by any means, GF6800gt, but these jumps look like lag jumps rather than lags in the video.
First go filter it so you only see servers under 50 ping. These are the servers you should be in with your connection. if there are very few, try buying a better connection. DSL is the shat, (I have used both) and cable will prove to be much more reliable and fast.

To my knowledge the bug in HL2 that makes it stutter does not carry over to CS Source.
Me has a 64 player server with 10MB dedicated server...I like to keep it a secret. MY PRECIOUS! :rolling:
Jeremy 42 said:
First go filter it so you only see servers under 50 ping. These are the servers you should be in with your connection. if there are very few, try buying a better connection. DSL is the shat, (I have used both) and cable will prove to be much more reliable and fast.

To my knowledge the bug in HL2 that makes it stutter does not carry over to CS Source.

I didn't mention but these bigger servers have good pings so its nothing to do with that. Its something else but thanks for the feedback.
Jeremy 42 said:
First go filter it so you only see servers under 50 ping. These are the servers you should be in with your connection. if there are very few, try buying a better connection. DSL is the shat, (I have used both) and cable will prove to be much more reliable and fast.

To my knowledge the bug in HL2 that makes it stutter does not carry over to CS Source.

if had only bad experiences with cable connections... I prefer ADSL2