LAN games


Jun 3, 2004
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i just wondered if you guys have some recommandations (spelling?) for any fun lan-games?any genre really.can be all from half-life mods to stand-alone games.half-life 2 mods aren't needed though, since not all of us have hl2.
the original unreal only costs €10 and lan is fantastic fun
or use halflife 1
if not all of you have hl2 it is even less likely that you will be able to agree on a game
so get an oldie and install it on all of them
Games i've played at lan;

C&C Generals
Garry's Mod (when you build something leet, 2 minds is more creative than one)
Armagetron :)
Battlefield 1942s Desert Combat Mod. Get a bunch of people that know how to fly helos and jets around and it's great fun.

Believe it or not though, we used to have a ton of fun playing Ricochet lan games too.
Ricochet is great fun be it or LAN or on-line. There are some funny exploits though
Empire Earth is good, because you only need 1 copy and everyone can run it.
SWAT 4. We have a party every two weeks, 3 of us. Let me tell you, this is the game of choice for us. Working together and stuff, cooperating, communicating... It's great fun.
Games I've had fun with Lan wise:

- Doom 1 and 2 (Nothing beats going retro and simple. Try the Single-Player in Co-Op mode if you're only a small group - it's good, mindless fun)
- Serious Sam (and Second Encounter - More of the same as above just minus the retro factor and a big plus to the total insanity side of things)
- Unreal 1 (Can be quite good fun playing the co-op, but some of the more complex/lengthy levels can get immensely tedious - e.g. the Sunspire. Requires a little bit of knowing what to do)
- System Shock 2 (With the multiplayer patch you can play Co-op. Kind of hard to set up in all honesty, but having a whole party going through the levels enhances the RPG aspect no end. Really requires a bunch of friends who know what they're doing).

- Unreal Tournament (The original is a damned versatile game. I've run two charity events at school playing LAN UT, and despite the fact that the game is 5 years old, everyone loves it. Easy to pick up and play, and plenty of content without even having to get free or custom content.)
- Quake III (Another unrivaled king of pick up and play lanning. Less variety, but the faster pace makes it somewhat more exciting. To be honest, even now there isn't really a good "modern" subsitute for UT or Q3 type experience)
- UT2004 (Like Quake III and UT got merged but it didn't work quite so well. Still great fun, but the other two are still equals)
- Counter Strike/ CZ / Source (Seems to be less well recieved but always worth a try. Most commerical LANs thrive on it, but a small LAN with mates can turn a bit dull)

As a general rule: Action games rule supreme. Among my group of friends we were all Action and Strategy gamers, but it was infinitely easier for us to pick up an unknown Action game than a Strategy game. We had a fair bit of success with Age of Empires, less with the C&C games, even less with the Homeworld games and the less said about our Total Anhilation sessions, the better. (Though we did get some entertainment millage out of refering to it as "Total Anal-Lotion" :P ). If you have a bunch of friends who have all played a certain strategy game, feel free to give that a try - but it's hard to keep the enthusiasm going unless you're all really good at it.
thank you for many good suggestions!we have already thought about c&c generals, q3, ut ++, but many great suggestions!cs is a matter of course.playing doom would have been great!the good oldies are great fun!

is battlefied and call of duty any fun when your only around 10 players?always though you needed more players on those kind of games.
UT (original)
SERIOUS SAM (first and second encounter, co-op on last levels is a blast)
andungen said:
thank you for many good suggestions!we have already thought about c&c generals, q3, ut ++, but many great suggestions!cs is a matter of course.playing doom would have been great!the good oldies are great fun!

is battlefied and call of duty any fun when your only around 10 players?always though you needed more players on those kind of games.

Battlefield is only really fun with small numbers if your good at flying, and for that you wanna get the desert combat mod. Plus you're gonna wanna add bots to the server when you start.
vegeta897 said:
SWAT 4. We have a party every two weeks, 3 of us. Let me tell you, this is the game of choice for us. Working together and stuff, cooperating, communicating... It's great fun.

lucky! im still trying to convince my lan friends to try this game out, cause i know it would be awesome for lan. :/