Lan? Help please


Sep 22, 2003
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Ive done so many lans in the past that i cant belive what i am about to ask.

The problem im haveing is im trying to network 2 computers with winxp pro. They are connected to a hub that goes onto the internet. Ive used on both PC's microsofts wizard for trying to get these to connect with no success. I am able to play WAR3 and C&C over the lan but when i try to do a doom3 or a halflife over the lan it sas that the servers are restriced to lan class servers. As far as i know they should be lan servers.

I feel that ither it doesnt work with hubs for some reason and needs a router or that im just setting something up wrong and after literaly 10 at least attempts to correct this i still find myself needing to ask forhelp. Im really trying to get them set up so that i can share files and do the lan.

please help me :)
Did you make sure that the Windows XP built in firewall is turned off? That was one of the major problems I had. Also to help out just shutdown any firewall you have.

Doom 3 Lan-When you went to create server did you set it up as a LAN not internet? When the other person tried to join did you use the LAN browser or try to join via IP?
Ya. All fire walls off. It was even complaining telling me that i was totaly unsecure that way :) ... And for the doom3 lan, server was made on lan and we looked at it under lan. When we tryed to connect it would say that the server only accepts lan class clients or what not.

Thanks for trying though, i would literaly almost go to kazaa and download a virus that sas it will fix the network :X ... If i can get it by tomarrow i work at bestbuy ill just hound the techs into telling me what they think it could be. I just bought 300 feet of rj45 to rewire my house.
Ive tinkerd with it some more... anyone got suggestions?