Lan server are restricted to local clients - error



Hi, i'm new here ;-)
and my first post is a question, i'm sorry for that.
My friend and I, we want to play HL2 DM via a VPN Tunnel, using the software hamachi.
I found his server under LAN, but everytime i want to connect i got these error msg: "Lan server are restricted to local clients (Class C)".
Can anyone help me please ? ;(
not sure what all that software and stuff your doing, but when you start a server, first command you wanna put in the console is 'sv_lan 0' so the server connects to steam etc.
Maybe the server doesn't allow players that are not on LAN with it.
Thank you, now the error is gone away, but while HL2 DM connects to my friend's server, igot another error : "A connection to the Steam VAC servers could not be made".
All this trouble only to play a round hl2 deathmatch. PLZ help me !!!! :bounce:
Im guessing you're behind a Router and or Firewall. Open these ports:

UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive
TCP 27020 to 27039 inclusive
Polar_Bear said:
Im guessing you're behind a Router and or Firewall. Open these ports:

UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive
TCP 27020 to 27039 inclusive
Done, but who must type 'sv_lan 0' in the console ?
The one who makes the server, the one who wants to play on it, or both ?