Land Of The Dead Trailer

More Zombies!
More Zombies emerging from water!
As long as it's atleast as good as 28DL, I'll be happy. :)
28DL sucked beyond belief and wasn't even scary.

Should be saying "As long as it's atleast as good as the original Dead movies, I'll be happy :)"
I loved 28 Days Later
Looks okay, but as much as I love zombie movies, it's hard to do anything different nowadays. Looks way too much like every other zombie movie now.
28 later was pretty good. Not my fav zombie movie but still good. The best zombie movie is shaun of dead :>
Yeah, I'd have to go with Garfield on this one. I really love the way that 28 Days Later turned the zombie movie idea on its head and made it believable and creepy on an intellectual level. But Shaun conquers all. :D
xlucidx said:
28DL sucked beyond belief and wasn't even scary.

oh no, how dare a movie rely on psychological drama more than massive gross out special effects.

land of the dead is just gonna be a lame big budget action movie, no scares, just gore and gasoline explosions. great for the teeny boppers, but sorry, ive seen this enough (like in say....dawn of the dead...)

Shaun of the Dead and 28 days later have been the best thing to happen to zombie movies since cow organs
28 days later I simply thought was a bit shonky. The opening bit in deserted london great but beyond that it just didnt work for me. the whole soldier section was fairly atrocious. It had some nice vibes to it but I thought the remade dawn of the dead was better ( not counting shaun cause whilst that rocked it wasn't a "serious" zombie flick. It was a romzomcom! )

This trailer doesnt really give much away , a few staple shots that you'd expect and possibly the most interesting part - the zombies can seemingly think and communicate. that should make things interesting.
holy shit, the man is back, looks f*cking sweet, 28 days was good, but i have faith in Romero, the man knows what he's doing, he did really found the whole movement
There's no way Land of the Dead will suck. George A Romero goddammit! It can't suck...please don't suck...

I read some of the script. Its pretty cool. Much like all of Romero's zombie movies (I'm sure not many cared to notice), it has a message about society. I believe this one has the message of how the rich treat the poor. Don't want to spoil anything so I'll stop there ;). And hey whats this! The zombies actually look frightening. Actually, the movie reminds me of a comic "Remains". The zombies beginning to think and such and communicating with each other. Great zombie comic. If your into comics and zombies, be sure to check out The Walking Dead too.
Did anybody catch that last part of the trailer when Dennis Hooper says "Zombies man, they creep me out"? LOL HAHHAHAHAHAHA
operative x said:
Did anybody catch that last part of the trailer when Dennis Hooper says "Zombies man, they creep me out"? LOL HAHHAHAHAHAHA
yeah, that's a damn good line, hopefully there's some more like that in the film
Oh no. I was so hyped and happy to see that they released a trailer, but I don't think it will be worth it. In fact, it looks as to be crap. Just from watching the trailer. I hope I'm wrong.

It even had the same music from Resident Evil. :x
Looks alright, but they bigged Romero up way too much in that trailer. Do they think he's some kind of god or something?
craig said:
Looks alright, but they bigged Romero up way too much in that trailer. Do they think he's some kind of god or something?
well, he was, back in the day when he made Night and Dawn, and perhaps he's got the magic touch back, Day was alright but nothing compared to the first two, besides, this is HIS genre
After reading the script to this, I was less than impressed... it seemed to lack any tension or real scares. This trailer goes some way to proving me wrong.