Land of the Free, Home of the Brave...

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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What does this have to do with "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?"
What does this have to do with "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?"

your free to do what you want (within the law) and you can be as brave as you want (stupid)
Creepy Voice: It's made out of pigs!
What other America is there? Surely you can't be speaking of that South thing.
Bacon flavored bacon. Double the bacon, double the fun, triple the bypass!
Stop watching the ****ing daily show and stealing his stuff, and showing it off as your own!
this is why America rules, go back to sucking limes, brit tits!
Come, you guys must realise that bacon was invented by Roger Bacon - an Englishman.

No, it was invented by Sir Francis Bacon. That's what he's famous for.
Bacon may have finalised the design, but Bacon laid the groundwork. Besides, they were both as English as apple tart.

EDIT: An interesting aside - 17th century mystic, religious writer and doctor Thomas Browne makes some almost accurate predictions as to the future of America. I'll try and find them some time.
What about the spreadable Devon Ham we have here. That stuff is ****ing awesome.

"So we set out on another bacon-flavored adventure. Could we make a mayonnaise product that met our own high bacony standards? Could we get people as excited as they were for Bacon Salt (for which shrines have been built and songs have been written)?

It was at that point that we began a very unhealthy morning routine: eat a slice of bacon, try a version of Baconnaise, eat a slice of bacon. Compare. Improve. Repeat. Over the 6 months it took us to make Baconnaise, we estimate that we probably ate 20 pounds of bacon, consumed 5 large jars of mayonnaise and took 2 years off of our lives – looking for that exact and delicious flavor that we would be proud to call Baconnaise."
Alright, so the picture under "you" didn't show up.

Oh man, I have to say that's a bad burn... when it singes you.

Image is broken!

Oh and uhh... comparisons between Britain and united states overweight/obesity levels is becoming less and less of an impact when you do it. Why? Because Britain is getting fatter too.
Hardly surprising. We have at least three famous historical figures named 'Bacon' for chrissakes.