Laptop running warm


Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Im using SpeedFan and it says Core0: 47C Core1: 49C on idle. The Geforce is at 62C. Are these values too hot? The Laptop has been on for 5 hours on wooden desk.

I cant actually hear any fans at all when I start the laptop. How can I adjust the fan speed on the CPU and Graphics Card? I want to set them to MAX and see if the temperatures decrease by much
you might want to prop the laptop up on something so the fan gets more airflow.
surely you shouldnt have to do that with modern laptops, thats a pi$$ take
OK having searched the net is seems everyone with an nVidia Geforce 8600GS card is getting high temps.... but no one is saying if this is affecting the laptop. Some people are getting 90C under load!! Are they designed to run that hot?
gpu's are designed to run hot, but you shouldn't really let them go that high, especially a low end card like that.

also umm any modern laptop or desktop pc needs doesn't just magically cool off now.
Well having looked on the net for days it seems that all Laptop have this problem of overheating ... especially ones with dedicated graphics like mine.

Im looking to get a Zalman HC1000, reviews show it does help and in some cases reduces the temp by 10C

Jeez, i didn't know about this!

My dell has an 8600m GT

I've had problems with bioshock and team fortress with sound looping and the game freezing, and also shaky screen and (i dont know how to describe this but here goes) a section of my screen flickering in game - like a slice of pizza, between 12 o'clock and 2 o'clock on the screen.

*wonders off to the dell to enquire further*