Laptop screen 1/2 dead?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I recently inherited a Dell Inspiron 5100, and it was workin' great, but now, after trying to take it out of "sleep" mode, the screen doesn't turn on. But what I find odd, is when you first turn the laptop on, the screen flashes. So obviously it kind of works, but never comes up fully. Is there something I could try to do instead of saying, "YAY DEAD LAPTOP"...

Background. Laptop didn't work due to bad battery. Removed battery, plugged into wall, works. So I just never bothered with a battery.

Well, the power LED flashes ever 1-2 seconds when powered ON. Tried googling that, but nothing of use. I tried unplugging/plugging back in, nothing. I tried hooking up an external monitor, nothing. Any suggestions?
Well, there might be a reason why it's dead. Just like the dead HD my uncle gave me. Lesson learned from free hardware from relatives/friends! ;)
Update: Turn power on. Fans kick on, then after 1 second, kick off....then the Power LED flashes green. Power issue?
You tried refreshing bios settings? (remove+replace bios battery)

If it ain't booting whilst its plugged into the mains then its a mobo issue or a bios issue.
I haven't tried opening it up yet, no. I'm leaving it unplugged for a bit, then I'll try again. I don't quite have the tools handy. If this doesn't work, tomorrow morning I'll take it down to my dads shop, and open it up and try to figure it out. I just hope I can get it fixed :(
Check that the switch that turns it off when you close it isn't stuck...