Largest Recorded Bear


Feb 3, 2005
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I tried to find the largest real bear ever photographed

The Truth:
Thanks to our readers, the truth about these pictures has been found. The facts are a little different from the original eRumor, but the pictures do record the results of a true hunt and are real.

He says that the bear was actually ten feet high and weighed between 1,000 and 1,200 pounds. He says the bear did not stand up then drop down and charge. It showed no aggression at all. He also says the bear was not shot on Hitchenbrook Island but, like all good hunters, he won't be specific about where he got it <smile>.

The versions of the eRumor that claims the bear was a killer and was shot by a forest service employee or was a killer and human remains were found in his stomach, are false.


I wonder if there are real photos of bigger bears. Post it.
Ee youngee d'emperolo teesaw twa spastika awahl no Solo, ha ha ha.

Anyways, that thing is huge, I'm glad they're a rarity, if not an abnormality. Reminds me of that giant hog that was killed last year.
yes its real

its paw alone can rip you in 3 pieces
Poor huge merciless marauding killing machine, it may be a threat to all humanity but it's so cute! :(
Something along the lines of 'What if everyone who smuggled for me dropped their cargo at the first sign of an Imperial Starship.'
It probably means Ха, парень навалял пизды мишке не-по-детски, ничо не скажеш...

I read that as "Ya, it's his habitat, he is ****ing huge, he doesn't care, he would crush your head."
Ee youngee d'emperolo teesaw twa spastika awahl no Solo, ha ha ha.

Anyways, that thing is huge, I'm glad they're a rarity, if not an abnormality. Reminds me of that giant hog that was killed last year.

Please dont tell me I was the only one who got that.... :|

Also reminds me of the monster fish they caught in BC a few weeks ago.
I read this as:

"Largest Bear Recorder"
Please dont tell me I was the only one who got that.... :|

Also reminds me of the monster fish they caught in BC a few weeks ago.

I got it. I was all 'yay Star Wars!' *claps hands*

Also, big funking bear.
There was actually a special on "Monster Quest" last night on the History channel about this bear. The bear is currently being kept at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.
The bear was found in Alaska, and there is research going on about how bears are slowly evolving back to the dinosaur-aged sized bears which could grow up to 14 Feet tall, and between 1200-1500 pounds.

They also found a bear in the same area that's a hybrid between a Polar Bear and a Grizzly Bear. Still at a large size.
and there is research going on about how bears are slowly evolving back to the dinosaur-aged sized bears which could grow up to 14 Feet tall, and between 1200-1500 pounds.

That is unacceptable, we'll just have to do a preemptive strike and annihilate all bear species before they might evolve into something that could pose us a threat!
I've warned you in the past. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Bears will win Earth -- rather, we will deem the battle too costly and choose not to fight it, opting to find a new home on other planets.
It's rare to see a particularly large bear with a human next to it like that for size comparison. That's kinda gnarly.
Is there some strange reason that the gigantification of animals is rising at the same time as the gigantification of confectionery?

...and Adabiviak, your sig, oh I laughed for a good minute.
Ah a unique animal, let's shoot it!
This philosophy always confused me too. If there was video footage of that bear walking around feeding / hunting / walking about etc I would be so much more amazed at it's incredible size as well as appreciating how the animal lives.

Instead I've got the face of an idiot who just shot the thing in the head and pushes it's blooded face into a camera lens. THANKS, IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Some get his kneecaps...
Indeed, why the hell they'd have to shoot it? I'd rather observe these unique animals in their natural environment instead of staring at its stuffed corpse in some shitty, dusty museum.
the truth

"look ovah thar! it's a giant beat, SHOOT IT BUBBA!!! YEEHAWWWW we're having bear testicle stew tonight ..oh wait maybe we can gets money fors it and be all famous like"
Indeed, why the hell they'd have to shoot it? I'd rather observe these unique animals in their natural environment instead of staring at its stuffed corpse in some shitty, dusty museum.

It was deemed a threat to national security! It was obviously going to plant a bomb in the nearest highly populated area.
Gun > Bear Claw

I do think so.

Very much. :D
He says that the bear was actually ten feet high and weighed between 1,000 and 1,200 pounds. He says the bear did not stand up then drop down and charge. It showed no aggression at all. He also says the bear was not shot on Hitchenbrook Island but, like all good hunters, he won't be specific about where he got it <smile>.

The versions of the eRumor that claims the bear was a killer and was shot by a forest service employee or was a killer and human remains were found in his stomach, are false.
So basically an innocent animal minding it's own business and causing no trouble I MEAN SHIT IT'S COMING RIGHT AT US! THEIR NUMBERS NEED CULLED!!
isnt that pretty much hunting in a nutshell? innocent animals minding their own business being killed for sport/sometimes food/so some redneck can mount it's head above the fireplace?
Well culling is sometimes legitimate, but these guys clearly just wanted 5 minutes of fame for killing an abnormally large specimen.
I could respect hunters if they wrestled the bears. But no, they have to be fags and use a gun.