Last Words

I'd say:

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing"
(While looking at the needles)

I can't believe it's not herpes! :D
My last words would be...

"Damn that CandleJack, I alwa
"So lets get this execution under way, I've never watched someone die before."

"...what? oh... :("
"Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
Id probably go out with a good knock knock joke
I'd put on my best arnie impersonation and exclaim "I'll be back!"
Wow, I've been reading these airplane ones.....makes me want to never fly again.
Um... realplayer? F*** that.

as for my last statement:
"Don't f**k this up by going Green Mile on my ass... wet the sponge!"
"I only have one regret - that I didn't rape her twice. I had all the time in the world, I mean I could've just had a quicky with her body after I strangled her, but I had to go all panicky and...

*ahem* But I digress."
Some of the guys on death row sounded quite articulate and intelligent. Quite surprising. I think the death penalty is seriously bad though.
Some of the guys on death row sounded quite articulate and intelligent. Quite surprising. I think the death penalty is seriously bad though.
Cause only dumb people kill?

Also, what do you think there is to do on death row, besides read and talk?
Cause only dumb people kill?

Also, what do you think there is to do on death row, besides read and talk?
well that is what you would expect. there is no rational reason for an individual to kill another individual and as far as i know if its not premeditated then you don't get the death penalty.
"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (abbreviated USSR Russian: Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик, СССР); Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, SSSR), more commonly known as the Soviet Union, was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia from 1922 to 1991. It was often incorrectly, and sometimes intentionally, referred to as Russia, its largest and dominant constituent state. From 1945 until its dissolution in 1991?a period known as the Cold War?the Soviet Union and the United States of America were the two world superpowers that dominated the global agenda of the communist and capitalist world respectively, foreign affairs, military operations, and the summer Olympic Games.

The USSR was born and expanded as a union of Soviet republics formed within the territory of the Russian Empire abolished by the Russian Revolution of 1917 followed by the Russian Civil War of 1918?1921. The geographic boundaries of the Soviet Union varied with time, but after the last major territorial annexations of the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia), eastern Poland, Bessarabia, and certain other territories during World War II, from 1945 until dissolution the boundaries approximately corresponded to those of late Imperial Russia, with the notable exclusions of Poland and Finland.

The Soviet Union became the primary model for future Communist states during the Cold War; the government and the political organization of the country were defined by the only permitted political party, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Initially established as a union of four Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR grew to contain 15 constituent or "union republics" by 1956: Armenian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Byelorussian SSR, Estonian SSR, Georgian SSR, Kazakh SSR, Kyrgyz SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Moldavian SSR, Russian SFSR, Tajik SSR, Turkmen SSR, Ukrainian SSR, and Uzbek SSR. The republics were part of a highly centralized federal union that was dominated by the Russian SFSR."
None of them will load for me.

Can anyone listen to the deathrow ones?
I would say

"atleast I ****ed your mom"


"At least im not a NIG*ER"
(taken from those racist comics, not me)

I would probably say

"Oh wait... NO I MEANT TO SAY 'I DIDN'T DO IT'!"

I would even underline it and everything.
All im saying is you might expect them to sound stupid - like dumb rednecks or uneducated hood rats.
"You ever think how satisfying it is to masticate to the thought of your daughter?"
i'd end with

"whats red and not there?

an invisible tomato"

"you know,I am geting sexually atracted to you now"
Last words:

"Can you please tell my precious little 7 year old daughter that I will miss her, and to not be sad when her cute fuzzy little kittens have to be put to sleep now that I wont be able to support them?"

Guilt trip on the executioner ftw!
*best come-on face/voice*

"So uhh... officer, am I in a lot of trouble?" *wink*
last words:

OMG WHATS THAT OVER THERE * points to opposite direction of door.*

*runs away, shot in back of head*

i'll die with this joke-

"What's black, blue and doesn't like anal sex?...

...the three year old tied up in my trunk."