Last's drawings

Dec 15, 2005
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Help I have some cool drawings I want to post (Ones a combine modification of the HEV suit which is awsome!:P ) and a few other random drawings but my scanner sucks and dosen't do them justice what should I do? I have a digital camera could I use that? HELP!!!
Well, use the camera, and then take out the memory card and put it in a right memory card reader (most of the time external devices that you can plug in the computer using USB) and then transfer the images to your hard drive.

Then, you can use to upload the images and give us the links.
Edit2: you could also reduce the image size to 100kb (with photoshop) and attach it with your post.(i know it sucks in quality, but it's good for quick preview...)
I posted up all my pictures on here with a digi cam, they turned out fine - most of them I couldn't scan anyways because they were larger than A4 *shakes fist at art teacher*
ok Thanks guys I'll try the digi cam(as soon as I can....My dad takes it to all his dumb wrestling meets and he dosen't ever get hom till midnight CURSE HIM! I swear he hates me.) anyway I can post the scan images if you guys want, but they suck!
lastHOPE_lambda said:
anyway I can post the scan images if you guys want, but they suck!

Go ahead, give us something. Then post the digi cam pictures after so we can see the real version.
Digital cameras chew up drawings and spit out pixels.

Oh wait. That's kind of the point, isn't it?
Hey hey lets also get some pics of your dad wrestling thanks.
lol anyway guys I'm kinda worried he still ain't home. Ohwell I geuss I'll just have to try and get that scanner to work. But the dumb thing keeps cutting parts of my drawing. I'm sure I can fix it though.
Here is the scan version it took forever to get it to work right and it still cut stuff out and the resolution sucks(and for some reason it made everything almost the same shade of gray) but ohwell I'll post the digicam version later

Guess it will give you the basic Idea.
Please constructive critisim.
Also I suck at hands, most of the time, any advice on that?
And whats a good medium for adding color? Almost ever color pic I do I can never get the effect I want with color. Should I just buy paint shop?
Ohhh and the reason theres no head is because....well I couldn't deside on one. I'm goona make a whole bunch of heads then post em and let you guys deside.
And I didn't shade it because its basicly just an idea I'm not sure if I want to go any futher with it but then again maybe I do.
Also you guys wit RTB will recognize the pose, I think its pretty close to it. Lol I love that pose.
and Yes I do Relize how badly I drew the shock stick, but give me a brake I haven't drawin in awhile, mostly because everyone said I sucked.
I have some old sketches I could post if you guys want.
LOL omg I'm so retarted I just relized I put a lambda on the suit instead of the combine logo, Oh well I'll fix it da next time I draw it.
Tracing ftw :D

Looks pretty cool, just not very professional.
Don't trace. You won't learn shit by tracing.

You won't get better unless you practice so don't stop just becuase people say you're bad at it.

You need to work on lineweight, depth. Everything is horribly flat due to the tracing.

Also I suck at hands, most of the time, any advice on that?

Draw, draw and draw. Hands, everything you hate drawing and think you suck utterly at. Fill tons of papers with drawings of nothing but hands. Try it for a week and see if you are better by the end of the week. Don't forget to look at references of hands and your own hands.
I feel sick already thinking about drawing that many hands.
Ok and I won't trace any more.
lastHOPE_lambda said:
I feel sick already thinking about drawing that many hands.
Ok and I won't trace any more.

I sense much potential in this one. :)