Latest Shooting spree now linked to video games


May 5, 2004
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I knew it was only a matter of time before they found some link between the recent fatal shootings in minnesota and video games. ffs we have to collectively do something about this before they emasculate the gaming industry:

"What I mean by "a script" is that when you look at popular culture, movies, video games, you will see this kind of "shoot ’em" pathway running through many of them. It's not an original idea of his; it's something that kids are exposed to by the millions.

If you pick up the average video game, you're going to see sequences that look just like the animation this boy produced. It's not something that we look at and say, “Oh, I've never seen that before.” You will see it a million times if you pick up any of the common video games available to teenagers today."

if we dont stand up and say "enough is enough" they (parent groups, religious nutbars) will have won.
I really, really hate people's tendency to blame everything on video games.

Shoot em pathway my ass, the games I play are generally with purpose and not just meaningless killing :rolleyes:

I saw the flash animation that Weise did; it was him shooting tied up people, throwing a grenade at a cop car, then shooting himself. I've never played a video game like that - the nearest thing I can think is Grand Theft Auto, which I don't play.

Games aren't just tasteless killing all the time. There is some, yes, but there are movies with death and violence on TV all the time, but they don't bother fighting that. It's just as bad even if it's not interactive.
Honestly, when does it become the kid's responsibility? It just seems like we always look for some other reason. "Oooh...the video games!" "Ooooh, the parents were mean!" "Ooooh...the prozac!"
Yep it's so stupid. I mean they don't blame movies - when again you could pick any movie and see similar scenes. But even then, that's stupid as well - at the end of the day it's the ****ed up neo-nazi kid with two handguns and a shotgun that's the problem.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Honestly, when does it become the kid's responsibility? It just seems like we always look for some other reason. "Oooh...the video games!" "Ooooh, the parents were mean!" "Ooooh...the prozac!"
Everyone knows that someone under the age of 20 has absolutely no responsibility for anything they do - sure, they take the punishment, but people refuse to believe that someone that young could do that without major external influences.
Ennui said:
Everyone knows that someone under the age of 20 has absolutely no responsibility for anything they do - sure, they take the punishment, but people refuse to believe that someone that young could do that without major external influences.
But that's just such bullshit, no? I've been taking responsibility for and accepting the consequences of my actions since I was 12.
Why couldn't the kid just blow his head off in the privacy of his own home, that ****ing douche thought he had to take others with him, and now they want to blame games? I
you know what was to blame? ...easy access to guns

/me runs
you know every1 keeps saying how bad games are as they influence violence. a classic is how they blame gulf war games as influencing killing and thoughts of war etc etc etc, when it was their own bloody government that made the game possible in the first place.

ie if bush had kept his fat finger off the red button, then there wouldnt have been a war in the first place.

anyway critics and the press dont see games as using your head to think of problems, such as 'how do i flank these guys', 'how can i use this crane' etc etc. until they see the high potential these games have to the mind, then they will always be seen as an excuse for violence from kids.
nobody ever blames the news, but the are the most violent program on tv, it's a fact
Ennui said:
Everyone knows that someone under the age of 20 has absolutely no responsibility for anything they do - sure, they take the punishment, but people refuse to believe that someone that young could do that without major external influences.

ahahaha dude im 18 and i have no intention to kill anyone what so ever. lmao i blame the parents of anything. if they dont keep an eye on their kids, then theyre to blame
Meh, I'll be a silent protester. I'll sit back and watch as they fight over nothing.
Pureball said:
ahahaha dude im 18 and i have no intention to kill anyone what so ever. lmao i blame the parents of anything. if they dont keep an eye on their kids, then theyre to blame

trust me, your attatude is going to come back and bite you on the ass, you are responsible for anything you do or say, no matter how old you are, i blame the dumb ass kid, guns, cnn, and the whole damb system

kids mother is in coma and his dad commited suicide a year ago, he lived with his granddad and his girlfriend, his grandpa was a retired police officer (i blame him as well)
well there ya go then. his life was in ruins as it was, so atleast he had a reasonable reason....but still didnt give him the right to go on a spree at bloody school.

and im not going to respond to what you said about attitude. every1 is entitled to an opinion unless proven otherwise :E
I'm just tired of all these "moral rights" or other bullshit we're-the-only-ones-who-know-what's-right groups of people who keep scapegoating everything except the under-18 person who actually committed the crime.

"It was Marilyn Manson! His brand of non-traditional music that we don't like is tearing families apart and causing crime!"

"Video games, they're interactive, therefore they teach you how to aim and fire guns!"

"Not enough church, Jesus can fix everything!"

I mean, shit, enough is enough, you know? He had a pretty terrible upbringing from what I've heard. His dad killed himself, and his mom's in a coma, and he was a NEO-NAZI. Can't people just get it through their heads that maybe, just maybe, those sorts of conditions MIGHT have something to do with his demented train of thought?!

/pointless rant
this is bull shit i have played videogames since i was like 9 i am now in my 20's and in school i had no thoughts of going postal on anyone
HA I knew it, I wish my parent's bet money on that bet I put forth them a few weeks ago, I'd be rich :)
we can all bitch and complain about how some groups target games unfairly but until we do something about it, we're part of the problem and NOT part of the solution. We need to stand up for our hobby, we need to show the rest of the world that games are NOT responsible for the deaths of innocent. We need to do something before it's too late
In my opinion violent video games didn't help the situation any and most likely made things worse. Ultra realistic ,ultra violent video games that put you into the first person persepective of a killer might not effect "normal" people much. Maybe it does who knows.

If you let kids with social and mental problems, kids on a.d.d. drugs, play these games, who's to say it doesn't have a psychological effect on them? Nobody here is qualified to make that conclusion.

I mean it's no surprise that a vast majority of gamers on a gaming website forum, probably most under 18 don't think there is a relation. If a gun gives a crazy person the means to commit a terrible act, it's only fair to say video games among other stimuli can help desensitize that crazy person from actually doing it. Hell, games probably make crazy people better killers while they're at it.
my mum has blaimed video games on-

me getting a fever

having a nightmare which had NOTHING to do with the sort of stuff in games

getting a fever? wtf?

my mom said that it caued me to "hyperthink" and i got ill because i had to think too much :angry:
yes but as you've stated we dont know what the "straw that broke the camel's back" was ...for all we know he could have snapped cuz he lost his favourite pair of underwear in the wash

anything can send someone over the edge the movie "Falling Down"
jeez I hope it's NOT popo cuz some dude named shamrock hates it ...ya I hate poo-ing in public too, so freakin embarrassing, especially when you have to stand up to wipe :E
CptStern said:
you know what was to blame? ...easy access to guns

/me runs
Come to Ireland, handguns, SMGs, machien guns, assault rifles and heavy weapons are ilegal. Only guns for hunting are aloud eg shotguns (but only certain ones) and hunting rifles. The police force is even unarmed (The UK and Ireland are the only 2 countries in the world with an unarmed ploice force)
When will they ever learn?

We should start an organisation, Gamers against blamers
i blam huge corporations for making money on american murders

Tr0n said:
Correct...they also are called "the fuzz" and "pigs" here in the south.

I could have sworn it was the "POE-leese"
Absolutely inevitable. I knew it'd happen eventually. Games blamed for another sick bastard going crazy.
Yep, we all knew it would happen- we just hoped it wouldn't.

The scapegoat culture is out of control, and common sense and logic no longer play a part in the overall mindset of entire countries.

Games don't make me violent- idiots blaming irrelevant factors make me violent. In fact, they're a strong argument for the 2020 Moron Cull.

Next headline- "Angsty Cumbrian Sentenced to Life for Planning the Genocide of 1 Billion Idiots".
what no one is willing to talk about is the fact that guns were far more responsible for the deaths than games were ...I think the rightwing (always very supportive of guns) is using games as a smoke screen to take attention away from the fact that the guy had easy access to guns ..I dont buy that "his grandfather" was a cop bull ...if the guns were properly stored as is the law in most countries he probably wouldnt have killed as many as he did
Probably? It's not like you to understate Stern- without access to a firearm he wouldn't have killed as many as he did.

Although that said, maybe he was a horribly efficient knife-throwing martial artist. But, most likely, we was just a shifty, cowardly, selfish little Nazi.

That's how you'll be remembered forever more, boy- and no amount of slanderous media attention will ever change that fact.
CptStern said:
I could have sworn it was the "POE-leese"

The word "Police" should be officially changed to having a - in it.

**** the Po-lice
Edcrab said:
Probably? It's not like you to understate Stern- without access to a firearm he wouldn't have killed as many as he did.

Although that said, maybe he was a horribly efficient knife-throwing martial artist. But, most likely, we was just a shifty, cowardly, selfish little Nazi.

That's how you'll be remembered forever more, boy- and no amount of slanderous media attention will ever change that fact.
i like the way you think
I wonder if any Brits saw Richard and Judy before Xmas, when the MP Tony Benn was on trying to get support for his campaign to ban violent games.

It came in the wake of San Andreas' release and was the most bizarre piece of TV you could ever see. The American girl from "Bits" was on as the pro-games side of the debate, except there was no debate at all. It started off with Tony Benn giving the usual guff about video games corrupting our nation's youth, cetra cetra, then they showed some footage of mothers watching a bemused 20-something play a selection of the most violent recently-released games, like San Andreas, Manhunt and so forth. Then Richard Madely read out a little piece narrating the GTA hump-prostitute-then-kill-her-for-your-money lark that everyone has tried. It was hilariously overblown, with statements like "you point your gun at her - terrifying her - then shoot her in cold blood", completely ignoring the fact that GTA's graphics are too primitive to fool even a mentally handicapped sloth.

Then Tony Benn went into a drooling frenzy, comparing it to child porn and possibly calling for someone (doesn't matter who) to be locked up. It wasn't very clear but it seemed as if he had suddenly changed his stance from banning violent games to wanting all games banned. Then the Bits-girl, evidently on a tight leash, was prompted to advertise some of the non-violent Xmas line-up of games. Surreal.

Now surely if someone was calling for a movie to be banned, they'd probably have to deal with some movie industry high-ups andlawyer-types before being allowed to make such outrageous slanders against Rockstar (who have won awards for GTA, let's remember). Where are the spokespeople for the games industry?? At the very least, those calling for a movie ban would probably at least be required to watch the movie first (or as much as they could stomach), whereas those attacking games have usually never even picked up a pad to understand what they are criticising.

Considering the growth and wealth of the games industry, it's nothing short of stupid how it leaves itself wide open and fails to back itself up when under attack from the idiot moral majority. If industry insiders wont defend themselves, then I guess it's up to us gamers to defend our precious hobby. Dunno how though...if there's a petition or something I'll sign.