Latest steam update

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Is anyone else having problems with the latest update to hl2? The game was playing fine yesterday, but when i ran it today, steam downloaded and updated it, now it crashes hard when loading a saved game. Have to actually switch off power at the PSU. Any help would be great.

P4 2.8Ghz
ATI radeon 9600 SE card
1 Gb Ram
CS:S freezes the moment the mouse pointer touches Options, with "memory error" (never had THIS CRAP before in CS:S). Only cured by uninstall - delete Valve folder - reinstall - download updates - decypher etc. Thx Valve for another 2 hours of my life I'll never get back....
And yes, fps in CS:S dropped significantly. Even my usual tweaked autoexec is no help...
when i was playing hl2: dm, everyone was shooting their guns up in the air (wrong animation) guns were held wrong, and when a melee weapon was equiped, there were no animations at all, and bodies would float around mysteriously killing people
i cant even choose an option when the window that pop up saying "play game, browse game, etc"...itll just hang
hung like a horse heh
jesus. i started to hate steam. who needs the updates?!
WormsME said:
jesus. i started to hate steam. who needs the updates?!

I personally don't.

Anyhow, I haven't played since yesterday at around 9:00PM GMT so I haven't experienced the major flaws you are talking about. If Valve haven't sorted this out by Monday evening, I will know what you mean :eek:
the only thing i can think of is reinstalling steam. i am d/l the update now. hopefully no problems......
For **** sake. Stop uninstalling and reinstalling every chance you get. The first thing you should do is delete your clientregistry.blob file which is in the main Steam folder.

If that doesn't solve it then you need to validate your cache files. If it is a bad update that has caused the problem your files will be different to those on Valve's servers. Using the validate option will check your files with the ones on Valve's server. IF and only IF there's a problem with your files it will re-download the parts that are needed. This takes about 20 minutes.

It beats 2 hours, don't ya think?*&p_li=&p_topview=1 for more information.
Dear Chris_D! Of course I validated all three files, and even tried to copy bin files back and forth, delete config and launch options etc- CS:S was still freezing on startup!!! Only deleting and reinstalling the whole BS game helped. As for .blob thingy, I may try it next time Valve comes up with "improvements".
And BTW Steam validates only .gcf file. After update, I searched for modified files and found no less than 30 in Steam folder. Besides, Steam applies updates while downloading them, not AFTER, so single connection glitch is enough to corrupt some tiny .vtf and the game itself, eventually.
Hmm.. HL2DM crashed 3 times on me yesterday, CS:S crashed once, and Steam.exe 'stopped responding' twice. Man, gotta love these 'bug fixes' and updates. Nice one Valve.. :rolleyes:
The Dark Elf said:
Awww diddums :p

Some people complain whatever they do :rolleyes:

I guess you can contact the admin and ask him to include "such and such complaints are forbidden on this board" in the forum rules. Or maybe can come up with some software to "validate" your age.
Well, i tried deleting the client blob file, and steam updated itself again, but it didnt update the game. I also ran the validation, didnt help any. Game still brings down my system on loading saved games. I am getting close to a fresh install, but that was a pain in the @$$ the first time.

I comfort myself with the knowledge that Valve will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes... soon.
I always validate my cache files after an update. So far so good.
this sucks i just reinstalled windows... HL2... CS:S, validated, updated, etc etc. I load CS:S, works for about 2 - 10 mins, then crashes to desktop... this is real cool. I have an Nforce 2 board (Epox 8rda+). I am using an Audigy 2 NX (USB 2.0), I installed windows with the on-board sound enabled, so I think the drivers are installed, but i recently disabled the sound card in BIOS... I have an ATI radeon X800 Pro... this is so gay, I want to play my game.