Laziest thing you've done

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Sep 22, 2003
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So, I did something today that made me realize just how lazy I am.

I dropped my flashlight on the floor next to my chair while sitting at my desk. It was just out of arms reach.

So I took my headphone cord extender I use for listening to movies / music in bed and made a laso (spelling? think cowboy) out of it to retrieve the flashlight.

As you can see from this was just out of arms reach from the chair, but that certainly didn't mean I was gonna get up.


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Oh, and turning the chair was out of the question since I put my feet on my subwoofer under my desk, and that would involve a lot more effort.
When having sex, she's on top... I just lay there.
hmmmm I once made a batch of muffins (the kind that's already done, you just have to stick in the oven) for dinner back when I still lived at home and my parents were on vacation ...didnt have dog food either so my dog ate muffins as well that night ..didnt seem to mind
Laziest thing I've ever done would be... doing nothing.

By the way, the lasso thing would, to me, spawn out of bored more than laziness.
Meh, it really didn't take me that long. I started throwing stuff at it and bring it back but it didn't work, then the lasso just came to me.
The remote control for my Z680 speakers is next to my keyboard, about 10 centimetres from the actual control unit. I just can't be arsed to reach that far to turn the volume up/down.


  • solazy.jpg
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The remote control for my Z680 speakers is next to my keyboard, about 10 centimetres from the actual control unit. I just can't be arsed to reach that far to turn the volume up/down.

I do the same thing with my NAD amp. The amp is on a shelf above the monitors but the problem is that I have to strech out my arm to reach it... so I use the remote instead.
The laziest thing i ever did was not be arsed to finish thi
So, I did something today that made me realize just how lazy I am.

I dropped my flashlight on the floor next to my chair while sitting at my desk. It was just out of arms reach.

So I took my headphone cord extender I use for listening to movies / music in bed and made a laso (spelling? think cowboy) out of it to retrieve the flashlight.

As you can see from this was just out of arms reach from the chair, but that certainly didn't mean I was gonna get up.


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Oh, and turning the chair was out of the question since I put my feet on my subwoofer under my desk, and that would involve a lot more effort.

but you were not lazy to take the picture and then upload it:rolling:
With my TV card I try to use the remote with the crappy IR sensor which won't pick it up a few times before hitting the number keys on my keyboard right in front of me.

Maybe that's just stupidity. I go to sleep a fair bit at work :x
I once paid for a flight ticket, rather than swimming to my destination.
ill post pics of my room when i get home, then youll see how lazy i am.
Oh yeah, my dad had asked me for the remote once. I was too lazy to actually stand up and give it to him, so I reached for the computer chair (it has little wheels), placed the remote on the chair, and pushed the chair to my dad. He was disappointed.
He should be applauding your resourcefulness.
I'm so lazy I can't be bothered to type an example of my laziness.
I decided getting up to take a piss was not worth my time.

MMmmm, warm :)
Sometimes I go hungry at college because I can't be bothered to walk to the cafe place and get food D:

edit: the cafe is less than a minute away.

It can be seen from the classroom
I yell at my little brother to do everything for me sometimes....
A romance movie came on the TV once. Too lazy to change the channel. It changed me forever..........................
I use a microphone on MSN because typing takes too long.. That's laziness, right?
I'm so lazy, I'm actually lazy in videogames.

For example: in Halo 2, I'll be defending the base, and I'll have about two minutes before the other team manages to break our defense, so I'll sit in the base and think "You know, I could do a lot more damage if I switch this SMG for a pistol and dual-wield a plasma rifle. They're right here in the room." But I don't.
So, I did something today that made me realize just how lazy I am.

I dropped my flashlight on the floor next to my chair while sitting at my desk. It was just out of arms reach.

So I took my headphone cord extender I use for listening to movies / music in bed and made a laso (spelling? think cowboy) out of it to retrieve the flashlight.

As you can see from this was just out of arms reach from the chair, but that certainly didn't mean I was gonna get up.

Share similar signs of lazyness in a thread devoted to being lazy.

Oh, and turning the chair was out of the question since I put my feet on my subwoofer under my desk, and that would involve a lot more effort.
Sounds like something I'd do :D
The caffiene overloads prevent laziness.

brb, running 30 laps of the house.
Erm, i cant bother to click start and shutdown/off computer so i just hit the switch.
I dropped my graphics tablet pen, and it landed right next to my foot. So instead of picking it up and continuing my work, I went to
i cant bother to finish this p---


downloading a crack to Red Alert 2 when the cd is in the other room.
I scratched my CD when my crack was in the room.

Holy shit, ToolBooth: your avatar is bouncing to my music.
It's an album cover to a Boards of Canada CD. I've been thinking about changing it back to screaming Trent.
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