Leadtek WinFast A400TDH GeForce 6800 GT 256MB

Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
My loan for my car has just come through so im a bit flush atm so im thinking of upgrading the workhorse (pc) with a new GFX card.

Iv seen a "Leadtek WinFast A400TDH GeForce 6800 GT 256MB" its going for £235.
Any 1 on here have this card or had any experiance with it?
And can you recamend any other good cards for around the £250 mark.

P.s here's the car im going 2 get,Honda CRX Vtec (but mine will be silver) -



Cheers all.
One of my mates has a CRX, bloody fast! Not sure about the gfx card though, btw where in the UK are you getting it cos it is a good price.
I've heard good stuff about Leadtek. So I'd go for it if I were you!!
thats a very good card, i have the xfx 6800gt, and i havent had any game out there drop below 75 fps yet, even on full settings and 1600x1200.
its about the best card you can get.
Rotflmao, talk about 4x4, and gah those stickers are in the wrong place.
Hang on Jammydodger- Make sure your Leadtek is a 'fresh' one- that is, not made late last year. I went through 3 RMAs because all my replacements were made during a time when apperently Leadtek made a 'bad batch' and it slipped through quality control. It causes high tems and massive artifacting at boot up- i.e unusable computer. I have also heard that if made during this time its luck of the draw, so you might be alright, but chances are it wont have been made that long ago- just sharing MY experience.
If the Leadtek plan doesn't pan out, then I highly suggest a BFG card. Their cards are worth it for the extra money. I have a 6800 Ultra OC from them and love it.
I should probably have said that I have since got a Leadtek a400gt that works, and i love it. 45C at idle, 55C load, very happy with it.
Ain't worth it IMO with the X850XT released. If I were to get an ATi card right now that is what I'd get. These days it seems games are all video card so you need to go for the best you can get.

Also it depends what he'll be doing with it. If HL2 is the only DX game he plays now then it's not much use of him to get it. That's the case with me so I went Nvidia.
Hey all, well I got the card last night, and its sweet.
Iv thought i'd post some screens of brothers in arms coz i just started playing it.
Top game by the way

screen 1

screen 2

screen 3

screen 4

screen 5

screen 6

I'd highly recommend this card, iv got every thing cranked in all my games and its as smooth as a baby bottom.
Nice pics mate! Should turn the graphical quality up a bit though, with that card you should run with atleast 4Xaa no problem, it looks like you didn't turn it up at all.
Yeah its a great card, just remember to clean the grate over the fan every now and then with a paintbrush. I checked my card the other day and it was covered in dust and it was causing it to heat up for no apparent reason.