leaked quake 4 pics??

Despite them being old, have you not learnt your lesson with the hl2 leak.
Old. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go take a leak.

Oh how apt.
Przykro nam, strona chwilowo nie dzia³a z powodu przekroczenia godzinnego limitu transferu.


Psycho man! Such chewing on this powered up secured site has reached its transfer limit.

Or something.
Originally posted by azz0r
Despite them being old, have you not learnt your lesson with the hl2 leak.

-i never saw them
-i found that link on another forum
-dont point thinger at me
Ill point the 'finger' instead then.
/me puts his thinger away.

Sorry, left my fly down.
Everybody was told by ID Software or who the hell that makes the game to remove those screens, because nobody's allowed to show them in public...but I'm going to look at them again
Well i havn't seen all of them before, but i don't think there leaked. The artists who made them were proberly given permission to show them off, as some of those are on there portfolios (eh-spelling).
Yea there pretty old.Already seen them.Quake 4 is going to be more scary than doom3.Imagine a bunch damn ugly sons of bitchs that are half human half robot with flesh hanging off of there metal joints, runing at you.Oh and did I mention by the fact you get to drive vehicles.
OoOoOoOo.....I can't wait untill Q4 comes out.It's going to be 10x better than what doom3 is.
Quake 4 has vehicles?
Sweet, this game could be better than...Half-Life 2!
Oh no! I said the un-saidable!
But it's going to be based off the Quake 2 line.If you have played quake 2 then you know this is going to be an exciting game.Basically it's going to be doom3's graphics and half-life 2's physics.I always loved the storyline to quake 2 and I also loved it's intro.So I can't wait!!!
They are just concept work. Not the actual model

They arent concept models, that is actual game content. They will use those to generate normal maps. The final in-game models will have all the detail you see in those models.

i don't think there leaked. The artists who made them were proberly given permission to show them off, as some of those are on there portfolios

No, they were leaked.
This is the first that I have seen of the pictures. So they are new to me. It's looks pretty good. Looks like it will take some doing to kill those guys.

Thank you for the link. :D
Originally posted by SheepFactory
They arent concept models, that is actual game content. They will use those to generate normal maps. The final in-game models will have all the detail you see in those models.

When is this coming out?

Originally posted by SheepFactory
They arent concept models, that is actual game content. They will use those to generate normal maps. The final in-game models will have all the detail you see in those models.

No, they were leaked.
Yep pretty much all that 3D work there is going to be in game.There pretty much already working on the game now.There doing the same concept that the Tribes 3 people do.After almost completeing a game they start on a new game.
By the time the game comes out.I'll have to guess around 2005-6???We will have computers powerfull enough to run it's outdoors scenes.So don't get your hopes up because of the 1.4fps.
Not a true storyline my ass.How was it not true???
Well, it's storyline is pretty much just like Unreal Tournament's.
They used a cheap yet logical storyline to fit in with the reason of why you are killing aliens.
But still--I loved Quake II.
It was nothing like Unreal Tournaments!!!!Q2's storyline is based off the fact that the Strogg attacked earth and they retaliated(spelled right?).
quake3 was a big disapointment......... arena fighting gets boring really quick.....

i hope its good
Leaked.. Is this the new word of the month?
Form what I can understand, your quota has reached its hourly trafic limit. Can someone put those pics on some other hosting?
Originally posted by SheepFactory
eh, quake3 has absolutely nothing to do with quake4.

ummm....mabey you could explain that to me a little more....considering its a sequal to that game i would say it has quite a bit to do with it......

hence why i said......quake3 sucked.....i hope quake4 is good.....

mabey your on some good drugs that you would like to share with me......
Originally posted by crabcakes66
ummm....mabey you could explain that to me a little more....considering its a sequal to that game i would say it has quite a bit to do with it......

hence why i said......quake3 sucked.....i hope quake4 is good.....

mabey your on some good drugs that you would like to share with me......
Umm...just because it's a sequal dosn't mean it has to be the same thing.
Quake=Wierd monster dealies
Quake II=Sci-Fi and more.
Quake III=Just plain DM
Quake IV= Quake II theme.
mabey your on some good drugs that you would like to share with me......


Q3 was a sequel to Q2 in name only. Q4 will pick up after Q2, its a continuation of the story from Q1 and Q2. Q3 doesnt figure into it at all. Q4 will be a mainly SP game continuing the Q2 SP story line. I doubt Q4 MP will be anything like Q3, but we dont know anything about the MP gameplay yet so thats just speculation.

So...Quake4 is NOT a sequel to Quake3, its a sequel to Quake2.