Leaked SW Battlefront 3 footage

^I was thinking that lol, what the hell.

Anyways, glad to see levels with flyable vehicles on planets, not just space.
this is leaked gameplay footage from Free Radical, they're no longer in business so it probably wont look like that when it's released
Do we know who development has been passed on to? I'm hoping Pumpkin Beach.
Ah LAWDY i've never been so happy, I mothershitting loved the first 2 SWBF games so much, I still play them all the time. I can't wait.
Wow. That looked awesome. Here's hoping it gets released in something resembling that form. :(
Dude, that looked like SO much fun!!! I'm so excited for this game now :D
Man that looks great, the lightsabre combat looks almost Jedi Knight quality. :O

run speed for infantry is insanely high :/
In a game like this? I really wouldn't hold that against it.
Yea I was wathcing this a few days back and to be honest I CAN'T WAIT!

In case the other one gets removed.

Wow! That actually looks quite good. Just the sheer scale of the first level impressed me.
To actually be able to leave the planet and fight among the stars as well the planet's surface would have been a blast to play. Whoever picks up the development, i hope that they don't remove this content.
I cant believe how many of you think this video is representative of the final product. FFS very few of you read past the title and even after I repeated that the final game will most likely NOT look like thet video people still come in with their "OMG I cant wait for this game" The company that made it no longer exists. Unless the company that picked it up uses the exact same assests and code it wont look like that video:

As a sad footnote to a year strewn with the corpses of shuttered studios, Free Radical let go most of its 180-plus employees on December 17. Best known for the TimeSplitters series, the Nottingham, England-based shop had bet heavily on the success of its oft-delayed PlayStation 3 shooter

Free Radical's closure raised doubts about the status of Star Wars Battlefront III, which many presumed to be the mystery LucasArts collaboration it unveiled in 2006. While the game remains officially unannounced, this week saw evidence surface that the Second Sight studio was hard at work on Battlefront III when its time ran out.

With Free Radical's closure, the status of Star Wars Battlefront III is unclear. Unconfirmed reports have it being taken over by Rebellion Software,

next person to say "I cant wait for this game" I will personally disembowel you with a rusty spoon and eat your goddam liver

oh and the rest of you that said something to the affect "I hope it's released in something similiar to that video" gets a "I'm not stupid" button ..the rest of you: disemboweling with a rusty spoon


SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET A HURTING!!! and I think you know who!

This doesn't sound good.
"It's dead. The stuff in the video of going from the ground to air to space to orbit is the tech that is dying with us," said Dudenaughty. "They've decided, for whatever reason, I guess because it's less effort, to completely remove that with a cutscene transition." When asked about the rumored decision to move the project to Oxford-based Rebellion, Dudenaughty was non-commital. "It's not something I'd be willing or able to comment on," he said.
^that's complete bullshit. i cant believe that if they have the ability to do something like air>space>orbit theyd just slap a cut scene on it and call it a day.
I hope they will support custom maps and mods more this time unlike in SW: Battlefront II.
After the failure of LOTR: Conquest, let's hope they don't screw it up again.
Looks incredible, battleships on land maps now = auto win.