leeching from sites

WTF, explain to me what the hell you exactly want to do and what an .swf file is.
I just opened up the player in notepad and looked for a file name.
Most sites arent nice enough to index their files like that
Yea, but you'd need software for it.
The flash decompiler that i use never
seems to decompile music files correctly
Ikerous said:
Yea, but you'd need software for it.
The flash decompiler that i use never
seems to decompile music files correctly
what software? ill try the flash decompiler
Why won't anyone explain to me what the hell is going on here.
Anyone know the name of that one software that would connect to multiple sites and download a file? I could REALLY use that.. But I don't remember it's name :(

BTW: YAY! Got my wireless card today, I am now on my dad's laptop upstairs on it :P
Grey Fox said:
Why won't anyone explain to me what the hell is going on here.
for example, u watched a flash movie from : www.sitename.com/flashmovies/osama.htm

and u wanted to download that flash movie for ur desktop, and the site doesnt allow it, what i want is something that can retreive that .swf file (flash file) that i can use in my desktop
Aha, thnx.
BTW can you do that with movies to.
And Maxikana maybe you mean Flashgot, a plugin for firefox.
what do u mean movies? wmv / quicktime / mpg ? like movie trailers? then yes