leet speak and the problems with it


Jan 13, 2005
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Why don't you guys like leet speak. I am not a 12 year old kid, yet my friends and I still use it. We enjoy the challenge of trying to read it. I can understand you guys not liking the people who post with no words being more than 4 letters, and with everything appreviated, but the thing is, 98% of the time, you can even understand this.

i.e. following is going to be the same paragraph in, 1337 and shorthand. You will prolly be able to read it all.

Why |}0n'7 y0u 6uy5 1!|<3 1337 5p34|<. ! 4m n07 4 12 y34|2 01|} |<!|}, y37 my ph|23!n|}5 4n|} ! 57!11 u53 !7. W3 3n_|0y 7h3 (h4113n63 0ph 7|2y!n6 70 |234|} !7. ! (4n un|}3|2574n|} y0u 6uy5 n07 1!|<!n6 7h3 p30p13 wh0 p057 w!7h n0 w0|2|}5 83!n6 m0|23 7h4n 4 13773|25, 4n|} w!7h 3v3|2y7h!n6 4pp|23v!473|}, 8u7 7h3 7h!n6 !5, 98% 0ph 7h3 7!m3, y0u (4n 3v3n un|}3|2574n|} 7h!5.

Y dont u guys like leet speak. I m not a 12 yr old kid, yet my friends and I still use it. We enjoy the challenge of trying 2 read it. I can understand u guys not liking the ppl who post w/ no words being more than 4 letters, & w/ everything appreviated, but they thing is, 98% of the time, u can even understand this.

maybe this paragraph wasn't good for the abriviations but I think you get the picture
Leet speak makes baby jesus cry.

Thats why.
really now, that is interesting. I highly doubt that, but you know w/e.
I really want a real reason
Because we don't want to have trying to understand what someone is saying be a challenge.. it should just be a matter of reading what they said.

Plus it makes you look retarded
rpgprog said:
really now, that is interesting. I highly doubt that, but you know w/e.
I really want a real reason
That is a real reason.

So stop using leet speak before jesus gets almighty on your ass.
I was able to read almost all of that (without looking at the first paragraph). Appreviated isn't a word.
Oh and welcome to off-topic...Enjoy your stay.
ok. I understand why you dont want a challenge while reading a forum. but dont diss me for using it. I go to a nerd school, so this kind of thing is acceptable, if not encouraged. and I cannot spell and abbriviated, or however you spell it, is a hard word to spell. I do not make obvious mistakes. and i try to make sure it is not horrible.
It was cool 5 years ago, now it's gone. Now it's not easy to be cool anymore.

Get over it.

people who use leet speak in a non-sarcastic way or who arent making fun of it by using it come across as "posers" because, as most know, the "real" leet speak hasn't been used since the proper hackers of the 80's, anyone after that is just some stupid kiddie trying to look hardcore :), the only other use is by people patronising the kiddies
Well I don't want to be hard on you, but this ain't your school.This a very diffrent kind of community and The Lounge....is a diffrent set of forums then the ones above.

Keep using leet speak and you will keep getting flamed.We don't care if you spell things wrong or miss a couple periods.We also understand english may not be your first language, but leet speak is a no no.

bliink said:
people who use leet speak in a non-sarcastic way or who arent making fun of it by using it come across as "posers" because, as most know, the "real" leet speak hasn't been used since the proper hackers of the 80's, anyone after that is just some stupid kiddie trying to look hardcore :), the only other use is by people patronising the kiddies
Bliink summed it up pretty nicely.Didn't know it was used in the 80's tho. :|
Leet speak is only good for sarcasm, those who truely speak it are morons. Maybe in game it is not a problem as much as it is on forums. This is not english:

"hi ther i lokking 4 som h4xs, culd som1 plz giv meh sum links lol? K thx."

(Thinks of *****)

If people can't take the time to write proper english then I just ignore them. Unless it is not your primary language, then I believe it is okay to make some mistakes.

Why on earth is m y g 0 t censored?
Tr0n said:
Bliink summed it up pretty nicely.Didn't know it was used in the 80's tho. :|

Yeah, it was developed to bypass filters in BBS's of all things lol, for words like "hacking" etc

Milkman said:
Why on earth is m y g 0 t censored

Because they're obsessed with getting attention :)
0mg li3|< 12 yr 0ld k1d5 v1517 7h353 f0ru|\/|5???? w0wz0rxxxx1!!

j0000r t3h 133370r h4x0r my 455z0rr

Now, shut up.
Leet speak is only cool if:

A. You're using it to confuse the hell out of people who rarely use a computer for anything but long distance communication or offline tasks.

B. You're my hardcore computer nut uncle, who was one of the original "H4xx0rs" from the 80s BBS scene.

C. You're using it to poke gentle fun at those who still think its cool to constantly use it in their everyday lives.

D. You're Largo.
I think it's funny, i incorporate it into some words as a joke like h4x or good ol 1337. adding z0r onto the end of words is 1337 too :D
xLostx said:
adding z0r onto the end of words is 1337 too :D
Oh god.. Matt (Deathseeker) does this in real life...

I kid you not, he says "aw crapzor" if something happens not in his favor, etc.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Oh god.. Matt (Deathseeker) does this in real life...

I kid you not, he says "aw crapzor" if something happens not in his favor, etc.
Everytime he does...punch him.

In the face.
If I want a challenge I'll goto some Chinese forums, ok?
I don't need to read a "language" which is just some twisted distortion of English.
I used to use it in 1999 in TFC, but it has since become lame, I hate most kinds of abbreviated language, only a couple abbreviations per sentence are usually acceptable (IMHO ;))

I like being able to read the English language I have learnt for years, not some code talk to try and seem elite (and try to imply you are BETTER than other people who don't use it)
rpgprog said:
Why don't you guys like leet speak. I am not a 12 year old kid, yet my friends and I still use it. We enjoy the challenge of trying to read it. I can understand you guys not liking the people who post with no words being more than 4 letters, and with everything appreviated, but the thing is, 98% of the time, you can even understand this.

i.e. following is going to be the same paragraph in, 1337 and shorthand. You will prolly be able to read it all.

Why |}0n'7 y0u 6uy5 1!|<3 1337 5p34|<. ! 4m n07 4 12 y34|2 01|} |<!|}, y37 my ph|23!n|}5 4n|} ! 57!11 u53 !7. W3 3n_|0y 7h3 (h4113n63 0ph 7|2y!n6 70 |234|} !7. ! (4n un|}3|2574n|} y0u 6uy5 n07 1!|<!n6 7h3 p30p13 wh0 p057 w!7h n0 w0|2|}5 83!n6 m0|23 7h4n 4 13773|25, 4n|} w!7h 3v3|2y7h!n6 4pp|23v!473|}, 8u7 7h3 7h!n6 !5, 98% 0ph 7h3 7!m3, y0u (4n 3v3n un|}3|2574n|} 7h!5.

Y dont u guys like leet speak. I m not a 12 yr old kid, yet my friends and I still use it. We enjoy the challenge of trying 2 read it. I can understand u guys not liking the ppl who post w/ no words being more than 4 letters, & w/ everything appreviated, but they thing is, 98% of the time, u can even understand this.

maybe this paragraph wasn't good for the abriviations but I think you get the picture

Just learn how to use the english language please. It's not that hard.
I personally 31337 speak, just makes you look stupid and annoying. And I usually won't give people the time of day if they attempt to write in stupid numbers. Kthnx.
I don't care how people speak as long as I can understand them.

If some h4X0r is talking to another h4X0r, it's fine by me if they talk in 1337, just not to me
its not a challlenge. Its also handy to have words l33t. BUt I only usually use it in jest.

It does sh!t me when its used by "hardcores" though. ITs not that cool. Its just annoying if used continuously.
is ot that hard to read

but is anoying

I just use it to make jokezorxlolol!!11 ...get it?
Druckles Stop just posting for a bloody post count FFS. That hardly counts as a response.
I wasn't posting for the count, I don't give one about the count. Why would I? I was merely showing what I felt about his comment. Your post however is quite off-topic, and so I could point at you, and say exactly the same thing. You want me to expand on that, I will:

what I should say said:
Ha! I get it :hmph:

But unless you have real practise, then it does get quite complicated at times, and you could always speak in English. h4x0r's pointless, and serves no purpose but to annoy people
And now I point the finger at you, spiraling this thread off into the entropy that has befallen us all.

Also, andyone thing noob is counted as leet speak? I mean its not necessarily an alteration, just a gamer term...
I use n00b all the time. It's just shorthand for newbie right? It might be 1337, but it's still fine because so many people use it
l33t speak, the world's ONLY stupid language.
Shhh. Bw vwery, vwery quiet. We're hunting wabbits.
ok. W/e. I get why you guys do not like it. But just so you know, English is my first language, and I should say that I am quite good at using it. If you read my first post, there is only 1 or 2 spelling mistakes, in my real one, I was just curious as to why everyone hates leet speek. I wouldn't have actually used it in the forums, because like you said, when you go to a forum you want to read something quick and be done with it, and if you are a noob at reading leet, it will take a while for you to read it. And also, my shorthand was not that bad, I realized that a majority of the words needing to stay the same.

P.S. not to brag or anything but, FYI I go to a high school that is very esculive and hard to get into, and in here I get a 3.9/4.0 GPA. So I am not stupid. Really, this was supposed to be simply a question about why this is hated, not people saying "Oh rpgprog, you're stupid for doing this" and other flames. I am just a curious person, its my nature. sorry

P.P.S. Since you guys hate it so much, from now on my posts will be in nearly perfect English, with no shorthand.
I didn't say I hate shorthand, I dislike escessive use of it, and prefer everything to be spelt correct;y (joke). But 1337 speak on a forum does go a bit over the top

but yea about the leet speek, this was just a general question, not specifically pertaining to the forums.
For example, as stated before, n00b is acceptable, and 1337, and the other common words, but having a conversation in 1337 would give me a very large headache
Druckles said:
No Elmar Fudd language is even stupider

LMAO that's the first thing I read when I opened this post. Made me burst out laughing that did.

I am going to start speaking in Elmar Fudd language in real life.