Left 4 Dead 2 Announced, Coming this November

Why don;t Valve work on Portal2 and EP: 3, althought the three games are developed by different teams I guess.
The sheer fact that it took such a short development time (for Valve) proves that this is not a worthy sequel.
The sheer fact that it took such a short development time (for Valve) proves that this is not a worthy sequel.

The sheer fact you're trying to pose about an expert about a game you have never played and that's been announced today proves you're an idiot.

Chipmunk said it, guise!

I think they should call it "Left 4 Dead (Okay, this is the one we meant guys, really.)"
This feels pretty weird, L4D just never felt "completed" to me in the first place.
This feels pretty weird, L4D just never felt "completed" to me in the first place.

I think that's why they are "rebooting" the franchise (although they are not saying that).
They wanna rebuild the game instead of fixing it because it would be as much/more work. My theory is that they want a clean start to get the game right.
I have to agree with chipmunk.

Players melee spamming, corner camping, and jumping up into the "untouchable" spots, really have turned me off from L4D.

Theres a lot of exploiting that goes on in L4D and I think Valve wants to perfect the gameplay. People aren't playing the game the way Valve intended for them to play it.
This feels pretty weird, L4D just never felt "completed" to me in the first place.

This. There were a lot of things that felt underdeveloped or rushed in L4D1. The gameplay just lacked the depth that it could've had, especially for a Valve game. While undoubtedly fun, the game was relatively shallow and simplistic, which was lessened somewhat by the AI director.
Hmm feels a bit weird indeed.
But lets see what they charge for it.
Never played it in multiplayer so I'm more interested in EP3 then this.
I definitely got my moneys worth with L4D but it does have a lot of flaws - flaws that L4D2 seems to be addressing. Still I can't help the feeling that L4D2 is what L4D should have been, that L4D was rushed and that it's flaws should have been picked up and addressed in internal testing. Better than L4D being delayed a year I suppose.

I'll be picking it up but I can see why some would be upset that for a year of effort Valve is asking people to pay L4D's price again. I do think Valve should offer a discount for people who own L4D, the UT2003/2004 analogy is valid, L4D2 seems like a straight out upgrade over L4D1.

Which brings me the odd thing of Valve saying they will still be updating L4D1 after L4D2 is out. New weapons/characters/infected/special infected/campaigns/etc are already coming in L4D2, how are they going to update L4D1 without basically copy and pasting the new things in L4D2?

Chet said:
One of the things we saw from players and this is probably the biggest thing we're working on for Left 4 Dead 2
We see people in crescendo events go into a corner and start bashing. The shiva stack. And while great naming guys, I gotta give the community credit for that, it just sucks that the best way to play the game isn't the funnest. And you can actually go on to a server and get yelled out for not doing the worst way to play, right. And so we wanna always make sure that the best way to play is the funnest way to play.

And so one of the things the crescendo moment that you saw does is is it makes you start the event and then turn the event off at a distant place and if you don't do that if you don't move your gonna die cus they just gonna keep coming - it becomes it's own little survival mode right there. And so people have to go and make than run and so all of a sudden the best thing you can do is move which tends to be the funnest thing to do.
On a side note I think the setting looks shit. "zombies" my arse, its blatantly obvious a hurricane is on the way causing the citizens of that failed state to riot.

Nah seriously though, this is not what I expect from Valve, shame on them.
All these people saying that L4D feels rushed? I remember the months before L4D was released when gameplay videos were coming out and people kept complaining why it wasn't out already, because it was playable and fun.

Valve had certain goals they wanted to achieve with L4D1, and they did. Now they got new ones for L4D2. You can't just keep adding features non-stop without ever putting a stop to it, or you'll end up as Duke Nukem Forever.
I think it whould be cool if they included the original survivors.
Yeah. That whould be nice.
This is one of the biggest surprises I've had from my favourite companies in years.

I have been expecting Blizzard to release Diablo 3, Starcraft II sometime. I've also been expecting Valve to release high quality games such as Half Life 3, and Left 4 Dead. Left 4 Dead 2 is something I did not expect one bit, and in my opinion is a horrible move.

The sequel as we know it is coming out in less than half a year, but so far it's hard for anyone to even decide what new mechanics can be implemented to the sequel in order to differenciate it from the first game. Only a new zombie boss, melee weapons and improved AI Director mechanics have been introduced. These are hardly worth a sequel over.

I hope Valve has a solid reason for this. A very solid reason. They stand as one of my favourite companies along with Blizzard for taking their time and releasing top quality games, where each game has a reason to exist and is not just some cheap way of earning a few bucks.

I also hope they're not learning from the Call of Duty series. I personally hate the series, but I respect the fact that the fourth sequel was a major success, which made it even more confusing the fact that they released a fifth installment in less than a year.
First the shoddy unlock system in TF2 and now this?.

Is it me or is Valve letting things slide a little?.

Used to be the worst that could be said for them is that they took forever to get anything done but at least it was DONE.

Perhaps there is some sort of conspiracy behind this.
I won't really be able to make an assessment as to what I think until E3 is over. Although I liked L4D, I wouldn't consider it what of my favorites. What I really want is HL2: Ep. 3, so if Valve is still planning to announce this in their meeting tomorrow (hopefully along with Portal 2) I would be absolutely thrilled! I'm foreseeing some type of Orange Box deal; I really see no other reason for Valve to rush getting L4D2 out instead of waiting. Perhaps the bundle will have L4D2, Portal 2, HL2: Ep3, and maybe some extra content for TF2 (not even going to mention CS2).

BTW: That's my pipedream.

It's pretty sad to quote yourself for emphasis. I still didn't read it :P
I don't believe Valve would suddenly have a dissociative personality disorder. Gabe always emphasizes on game quality and service quality. L4D2 must be developed so quickly for a reason. The upcoming release bundle as stated by MB may be the reason. An standalone episodic content(Ep3 will be to little to be worth buying. L4D2 with Ep:3 would be enough. Most of the community felt shocked probably because Valve is doing something that does not fit its image in their mind. i.e. the long release time and delay style.
It's pretty sad to quote yourself for emphasis. I still didn't read it :P

I've secretly put it in multiple times throughout this thread. You think you didn't read any of them but you did. I got for a subliminal approach ;)

Seriously though you're a big meany.
This way, they are killing their own creation, thats what I think..

All these nice add-ons should be DLC and not a sequal damn what are they thinking???
Valve never has / will sacrifice their reputation as a company that takes the time to make top-notch games to make a couple extra bucks. That's not what they're doing here, they're releasing a game that fixes everything bad about the old one while upgrading the engine. I realize that one years worth of work doesn't warrant it's own game, but nobody is going to work for a year just for a patch. The way I see it, this was just a subtle way of showing off their engine upgrades. I have no doubt that they'll announce Ep. 3 later today or sometime during E3 at which time they will announce Portal 2 as well. All the signs are pointing to it: a sequel being 'rushed' when its predecessor was still selling, a sequel that doesn't fit the criteria for a $50.00 game, starvation of news on Ep. 3 / Portal 2, etc.

Seriously, I'm just excited for Orange Box 2.
I don't believe Valve would suddenly have a dissociative personality disorder. Gabe always emphasizes on game quality and service quality. L4D2 must be developed so quickly for a reason. The upcoming release bundle as stated by MB may be the reason. An standalone episodic content(Ep3 will be to little to be worth buying. L4D2 with Ep:3 would be enough. Most of the community felt shocked probably because Valve is doing something that does not fit its image in their mind. i.e. the long release time and delay style.

No such thing as dissociative personality disorder, lol. ;)

Depending on whether Episode Three is announced, I could possibly see Episode Three and L4D2 being bundled. That way they could justify the full $40 or $50 price tag for L4D2 because a lot of people probably won't be willing to shell it out for a game whose prequel they bought less than a year ago.
But it seems that not another Valve game is going to be revealed in E3. lol
The gameplay video's look EXACTLY like the first game with a few graphical changes. Given that the release date is a mere 5 months away is the game going to change all that much? I have my doubts. If they decide to delay the game for 6 months / a year and give us a proper sequal then I may be more on board. If L4D2 comes out any time soon it'll mean L4D will have one of the shortest lifespan's of any Valve game. L4D holds no where near the replayability value or community of say Counter-Strike 1.6 or Team Fortress Classic, so as soon as L4D2 comes out L4D will be made completely redundent and everyone will stop playing it.
A Lot of people seem to misdirect their anger and make pointless jibes and suggestions towards valve. So here's my 10cents. money is not a problem as I'd gladly pay full game price for DLC or an add on that helps expand my L4D experience. L4D has given me so much enjoyment It wouldn't take much for me to part with my money.Some people need to remember that valves owes you nothing as has every right to make money, you should be angry not because they'll leave you out of pocket but for what they've done to l4d
The reason i support this boycott is because they've deprived L4D players for too long. I originally thought it was because they have some significant DLC on the way. Turns out its all gone to l4d2 and l4d1 will just get small tweaks that can be easily added.L4D1 has many issues which could easily be fixed, l4d2 trailer shows that they've fixed this issues. we just wont receive them because it would reduce the amount of unique content that would ship with l4d2.example- Corner camping- fixed by the rammer special infected. or witch crowning by the roaming witch. I want to see l4d fixed before they move on. more frustrating is that the current game is so close to the original, imagine if they'd called Opposing force Half-life 2... this is like that just ten times worse to me.
The new art direction is also a problem.They seem to believe that by making l4d more comical will improve the game. not a good move. It currently looks like its made up of the scraps from TF2. L4D was a much needed breather of fresh grown-up zombie action.
This new 'loud' art direction also is what makes the survivors so unappealing. L4D original worked not because the 4 survivors were strong comical characters but because they were subtle and people could relate to them. The game could be placed in any part of the world with new survivors, it would work as long as they had the same simplistic characteristics of the existing ones. New survivors look fine.
Also new weapons just break the simplicity of the game. while you could argue l4d needed a new tier of weapons, or just alternatives. melee weapons just seem like a pointless feature that wont add any tactical depth to the game and just distract. and their announced selection isn't fitting with the maturity of the game. and i can already see people chasing the tank around with frying pans. Just no.
I will say this for valve; the campaigns are not a problem, in fact i quite like what I've heard and seen so far. coupled with the new survivors, common infected models/types and weapon alternatives it would make a great DLC pack that i would happily pay for.
The only solution to this problem is for valve to avoid the split in the community by releasing the new special infected, fixes and tweaks into the current l4d then sell the rest of the content- as add-on. Don'T care about how much, don't care about when. l4d deserves better updates and so does its sequel.
P.S. Sorry about the rant needed to get it off my chest.