Left 4 Dead 2 Sells 2.9 Million Copies in Retail


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Electronic Arts revealed earlier today that Left 4 Dead 2 has sold over 2.9 million units on the Xbox 360 and PC at retail worldwide. We have yet to see the Steam version numbers.

For the period, EA posted net revenues of $1.243 billion, down 25 percent from the $1.654 billion the publisher brought in during the same period in 2008. Though still in the red, EA made great strides toward shoring up its losses during the quarter. EA said that net losses stood at $82 million, a notable recovery from the $641 million it hemorrhaged the year prior.

EA also confirmed that Dragon Age has shipped 2.8 million copies worldwide across the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC and their football title - FIFA 10 has now sold 9.7 million units worldwide. How many copies did PES2010 sell, Glenn?
Have Valve ever posted Steam numbers for any game?
Really would be interesting to see what the Steam sales made... Why must Valve be so tight lipped about it all?
Yeah, but what's the point? The game is boring and uninteresting unless Valve will fix game process
They released a graph once with total sales going back to HL1. Opposing force, CS1.6, DoD, HL2, EP1+2...etc etc. HL2 is naturally the biggest jump on the graph.

Cant remember where it is though.
Probably because HL2 is packed in with everything :/
PES 2010 got about that! If you hit enough platforms you can make up the cash :P 360, PS3, Wii, PC, PSP & Mobile. I think they even ported it to digital watches. Anyway...where are the 10 million crazies buying FIFA10?

EA down 25% - recession bites everywhere. I don't know how much that actually hurts EA though. I suppose not much compared to the previous loss. Knowing executives and their salaries they probably all high fived each other at losing $82 million. No wonder all the economic market confidence is shot!
sad part is that I've only played L4D2 for like 10 hrs. I just don't feel like playing it that often
Same. Its a bit too familiar to warrant constant play for me. I played the first one religiously once I got into it and found people who were good, but this one..I dunno.

It doesnt feel like theyve actually added anything. New maps and scenarios...well woopy. Melee? So? Not exactly game-changing. New specials arent all that great.

I dunno. Im torn.
Yeah, same here. I have not touched it since December. I got burned out by the original game by then.
It seems to me that Valve is exploiting the loyalty of their fans for quick cash-ins. I hope that a lot of that money is invested in HL2 Ep3 to make it more than a corporate profit.
It doesnt feel like theyve actually added anything. New maps and scenarios...well woopy. Melee? So? Not exactly game-changing. New specials arent all that great.
I remember when saying that sort of thing before L4D2 was released usually got you labeled a boycotter.
L4D2 is a game I'll probably buy when it gets a good deal on Steam. Right now it just doesn't interest me very much.
I remember when saying that sort of thing before L4D2 was released usually got you labeled a boycotter.

Yes, but people usually said that out of nothing but this strange blind fervor - having not really played the game, just seeing videos of it. I think it's more fair and acceptable to say that now, after we've all had a good chance to really play through it and judge it as a completed whole.
Or they just read the writing on the wall.

(wasn't a boycotter)
It's fun I suppose. I got it for free though so I can't complain.

bros with 4-packs