Left 4 Dead: Death Toll Campaign Gameplay


Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
Folks at G4TV.com posted some gameplay of Left 4 Dead campaign - Death Toll, you can view it here.
[br]Video looks very interesting, but it's a shame that it was played on low difficulty.
[br]5 days left!
Glad I'm waiting till the game is released to watch any videos or partake in anything that might spoil it for me.
^^ aw, I wish I hadn' watched it. Be assured that it looks great, though.
Yeaahh, not gonna watch this. ONLY 5 DAYS LEFFTFFTFFFFTFTT
Yeah, the game doesn't look as fun when you have a mediocre player being retarded. Was it just me, or were there no where near the amount of zombies as in the demo?
Sometimes you get tons of them and other times you don't. Long time ago they said Death Toll was to take place in a small town. Well yeah it's like a small town that you would find at night in NH. Only that there are signs of a massive hurricane/earthquake/zombie apocalypse! Looks soooo creepy! :cheers:
I think this looks to be the worst of the four movies. It looks too.... half life two for me. The other maps hardly even look like source, yet this one seems to have the words source spray painted all over it.
I started watching, got to a miniute and thought "F**k it, the game is coming out start of next week, I'll play it myself" :)
Played demo and watched all videos and read all reviews (avid fan if you haven't guessed!) I can't wait for it to come out!
Wow. That level looks incredible. But yeah, the people playing suck and it's on a low difficulty. Can't wait though. Too bad I have so many school projects due right around Tuesday.