Left 4 Dead - Hands on Preview by left4dead411


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The Left 4 Dead fansite, left4dead411 has unleashed the second part of their massive Left 4 Dead hands-on preview. For those who missed the preview when originally released you can read it from the start here or you can jump ahead to the second part located here.[br]The second part of the preview focuses on the Infected....which is an utterly massive pile of Infected information with loads of images and little cartoons detailing tactics for the Infected. As there is so much, I'll cut to the end and quote their Conclusion about the Infected.[br]
It was a great time playing as the Infected. It's innovative and fresh - feeling like a complete game in itself. The multiplayer head-to-head feeling gives so much to a primarily cooperative experience and it'll keep you coming back again and again. The down side to the Infected is the occasional frustration, as you can die so easily, which forces you to sit and wait until you get a respawn. I can easily see many players who will be playing this game just for the Infected. All in all, I just want to get back to killing some Survivors.
[br]There are also sections detailing graphics, audio and info on the developers. This is an exhaustive hands-on preview, really well worth a read.[br]Read it from the beginning here.
He posted this at 1:19pm, and digi replied at 1:19. Did he read it yet?!


Did I?

Nope :D
Maybe he already had - and we were poking each other to post the news...

So the survivors shoot manjuice...

Unfortunately, due to his large model, I did notice a few clipping incidents where a shoulder or belly roll briefly poked through a wall, revealing my position.

holy crap what a surprise that must have been to the survivors
The music thing sounds awsome. I can't wait for this to be relesed.
It was good to read a little more about the infected side, the majority of previews I've read have only been focused on the survivors. The boomer sounded pretty ordinary to me, but the hunter and smoker really stood out - their abilities seem quite unique and it will be interesting to see skilled players utilize this. Overall, it seems the more I read about this game, the more I wish it was December already so I can play it!
Those Paint diagrams are the best bit.

Also, I am rather amused that there is no clear picture of the Hunter.

Also, from the linked firing squad interview: physically simulated clothes, hair, and fat? Awesome.

And the screenshot in the audio section has amazing shadow effects.
Initially the community was poking at frog and squirl to put out this preview like the week after the first preview. :x Mainly the steampowered users because there antsy like that. Majority of readers wanted to take their time and make a great preview like you just read. They have a life though and it was finals in college so this is why it took so long. Now what you didn't see is the bits they left out, mainly in development parts. If you ask questions though they will answer your question. For example, a smoker cannot guide it's tongue. It's a straight shot and it shoots out very fast. *Oh and go read the preview Pitz instead of watching Borat on that site that I won't mention because it's against the forum rules... :cheese:
Was a really good read. The Infected sound a blast to play. Even though this one wasn't from the perspective of the survivors it gave me a better idea of what to expect when playing one.
playing as the infected still doesn't sound 100% appealing because you die pretty easily and have a good chance of losing. Playing as human co-op sounds awesome though. Weapon unlocks, downloadable scenarios sound great too.