Left 4 Dead Official Blog


Jul 6, 2003
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The Official Left 4 Dead Developers Blog is now online, just like the Team Fortress 2 Blog, Valve planning on using this blog to talk more directly with that community - through stories, artwork, and insights into design and development process for the game.

The game is finally nearing completion, and we're down to the final tweaks before it goes out the door. This week, we're all playtesting the Xbox 360 version of the game non-stop. There are two kinds of playtesting at Valve. There's the kind that happens throughout development, where we bring in people from outside the company, watch them tackle the game, and then make changes based on their experience.

Go to the Official Left 4 Dead Blog and bookmark it now!
I'm really enjoying that Valve is opening up to blogging more.

Next up on their "Things I would love to see from Valve" is a monthly video podcast. Perhaps after L4D releases.
That was really entertaining, not to say hilarious :D
I lurve Valve's sense of humour. It's so real.
That "Tighten up the Graphics" video is hilarious.
Sweet I can't wait for Left 4 Dead! All the info is amazing and I'm so glad I'm upgrading my PC this Christmas!
Oh holy shit lol at tightening up graphics