Left 4 Dead Update Released


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
A new Left 4 Dead update has been released.[br]

Survival Mode Changes
  • Darkened the Lighthouse background movie and increased the contrast with the user interface elements
  • Chapter selection is now available when creating a Survival lobby
  • Single player coop now works correctly after playing Survival online
  • The correct game mode will be set when playing back a demo
  • Changed holdout server spew to be development only
  • Stats are no longer updated while viewing a demo
  • Correctly update the leaderboard based on the player's personal time, not the team best time
  • Show the player's best time in the scoreboard
  • Removed Survival exploits from The Terminal, Last Stand, The Crane, The Boathouse and The Warehouse
  • Fixed tanks sometimes not spawning after 15-20 minutes
Oh good! I thought the no tanks after 15 minutes was a feature to make the latter stages tank free but swarming with infected. Technically survival mode just got harder...ha!
Not sure I understand the first thing...
Not sure I understand the first thing...
It's to do with the game menu and the new lighthouse background. People were complaining they couldn't see the menu options when the light shone on it so apparently they've increased the contrast.
Some people dislike it so much they've disabled it. If you are one of those people read this.
IMO, it's not that bad. I read that thread before I could get home and update L4D so I was expecting to be completely blinded but it's nothing more than a minor discomfort, especially since I spend ~3 seconds in the game menu before choosing something.
Some people dislike it so much they've disabled it. If you are one of those people read this.

Glenn, if I had already disabled it, what use would viewing a thread about how to disable it be?

Silly kid.
people complained about the light in the lighthouse background?

cuz they couldnt find the letters?


"oh a new background-AAAAAHHHH MY EYES THE LIGHT IS SO BLINDEY!!!*go aways of screen* oh my god that was awfull well now lets go back and play some surv-AAAAHHHH MY EYES THE LIGHT AGAIN AARRRHGRAEAARGGGG!!!!1"