Left 4 Sims - Quick Interview


May 6, 2005
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What follows is a short interview with Ben Borthwick, creator of [url="http://www.doubleyouteeeff.com/?p=649" ]Left 4 Sims[/url], a Sims 3 and Left 4 Dead mash up[br]Chris: What was your inspiration for making the Left 4 Dead survivors in The Sims 3?[br]Ben: Well, obviously as soon as The Sims came out I knew it would be great fodder for a kind of gaming diary, but I wasn't quite sure which direction to take one in. Then I read roBurky's now famous [url="http://aliceandkev.wordpress.com/" ]Alice & Kev[/url] one and really enjoyed it. At first, as I usually do when playing The Sims games, I was going to recreate myself and recount the experiences. But I found the problem with that to be that I was reluctant to let bad stuff happen to me. My gaming instincts to make sure my character was successful kicked in,and it while it was still fun to play in some respects, it wasn't so much fun to read or write about. Then I thought about who would make for recognisable characters that I would be fine letting both good and bad things happen to them, and of course Left 4 Dead was my first thought, being one of my favourite games of the last year. Of course, then Left 4 Dead 2 was announced not long after, so the timing fit in rather nicely.[br]Chris: You created The Infected as well, can we expect to see them appear if you carry the story on?[br]Ben:I knew before The Sims 3 came out that I wanted to create some more unusal characters to the normal template of people, ideas were thrown around for TF2 characters and the like, but of course as soon as I created the Left 4 Dead team I knew the Infected were going to factor in. I can safely say that they will indeed be making an appearance, very soon for that matter. As for how, well that's as much in the hands of the game as it is myself. I'm still toying with the idea of controlling them myself or letting the computer take them, but we'll see how it goes.[br]Chris: What plans do you have for the future of Left 4 Sims?[br]Ben:Well, I don't want to make any promises just yet, but we might see other characters join the fray in the future iincluding a certain four survivors from a highly anticipated sequel, depending on how this goes...
I love reading Alice & Kev, it's just a shame he's stopped doing regular updates.
I can't seem to get into Left4Sims it doesn't have the drama of Alice & Kev it's a bit meh.