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Dec 12, 2004
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Anyone had much experience with headshops and the drugs they deal? In the UK, there are a surprising number of psychoactives you can get from the net and other places: LSA (E.g. Hawaiin Baby Woodrose Seeds), Salvia, smoking mixtures (e.g. Spice), mushrooms, pills with a variety of effects and more.
Thoughts? Experiences?
I read a New Scientist article about these some months ago.

Found it.

I don't feel like reading it right now, it's 01:44.
Salvia: strongest high I have ever had and still it's perfectly legal here. It really is indescribable, but the one thing I can recall is that I though I was a country surrounded by my other friends who were also delimited by geographical boundaries.
in before Lock,unless ennuie is the only mod on I'm sure this thread will do great when he's on duty.
Back in the old country, dopamine and ex was legal :thumbs:

here the only drug that is legal is b***dy ciggies :(
in before Lock,unless ennuie is the only mod on I'm sure this thread will do great when he's on duty.

I really doubt anyone would lock it even if it was talk about illegal highs... but uh, you do know what legal means right?
yes lega,that doesn't make it any less stupid.
In before trolls come and start complaining about how disgusted they are.

So, here's my speal:

I was on Salvia, and I seriously believed that I was a piece of paper floating in the wind like this.

My friend on the other hand, thought that me and my buddy who was looking out for us, was attacking him. As we appeared to be giants clubbing him with our fists.

That barely skims the top of my psychedelic experiences.

P.S. Thanks for making another thread.
Alcohol. You can get f**ked off your head and nobody can do anything about it.

...Well, they can punch you, but that's hardly fair, is it?
Alcohol. You can get f**ked off your head and nobody can do anything about it.
They can give you your keys.


ok then tell me,why do you get "high"
You can do that nonsense when you go to High School but once you need to pay bills and rent/mortgage and go to work,there is no reason at all to be doing that kinda stupid shit,unless you work at Mc Donalds,but be prepared to keep that job cuz "cool people that like to hit a joint" don't get very far unless your a musician or some kind athlete/But of course if your happy with being a slug for the rest of your life...ok then its all on you.
ok then tell me,why do you get "high"
You can do that nonsense when you go to High School but once you need to pay bills and rent/mortgage and go to work,there is no reason at all to be doing that kinda stupid shit,unless you work at Mc Donalds,but be prepared to keep that job cuz "cool people that like to hit a joint" don't get very far unless your a musician or some kind athlete/But of course if your happy with being a slug for the rest of your life...ok then its all on you.

Lol. K.

Because drug user totally = failure or musician.
ok then tell me,why do you get "high"
You can do that nonsense when you go to High School but once you need to pay bills and rent/mortgage and go to work,there is no reason at all to be doing that kinda stupid shit,unless you work at Mc Donalds,but be prepared to keep that job cuz "cool people that like to hit a joint" don't get very far unless your a musician or some kind athlete/But of course if your happy with being a slug for the rest of your life...ok then its all on you.

Yes I can.

I use drugs because they're something to do. Not because I need a way out of my problems, not because I need some way to spend extra money, not because i'm addicted and need a fix, but just because it's something to do when i'm bored. You may argue "why don't I do something less destructive?", but then you'd need to argue why getting high is extremely destructive, and you WILL fail, hard.

I realize that the following falls into logical fallacy, but i'll share anyway, since you don't seem capable of understanding what logical fallacy is anyway.

I know a man in his fifties, who works at Berkely labs, who programs a ring of highly powerful lasers designed to illuminate microscopic particles for photographing, who smokes weed. I'd hardly consider him a slug.

Correllation does not equal causation you little Tick.

Don't be a pussy, repost whatever it was you had to say.

I mean seriously, you had something to say, stand by it. Don't let people topple your argument just because you yourself aren't secure in it.
your 16,so I was going to say that your not the group of people Im talking about unless your doing more then weed,then you really need to think about life and where you want to go with it.

If you smoke weed while you go to school ok then as long as it not a every day thing.
But believe me my father when he was my age made alot of mistakes concerning drugs and I wouldn't have been born if he didn't stop being a pot smoker.
Yes the drug of choice for my dad was weed, He told me he had to plead with himself to stop getting high he even got high while he already was in the Police Academy.But he managed to stop and I am very proud to be his sun,could you say the same thing about someone who sit sat home all day getting high,or instead of paying child support decides to buy crack or whatever?
And I know alot of people that are going to come in here and say"I have a job and I can still get high"

Without asking what kind of job that is,think about it, this job you have when you are 18-20 that lets you get high once in a while,it probably doesn't pay that well does it?
Is that the job you want to for the rest of your life?
Drugs don't get you any where in life thats a fact.
your 16,so I was going to say that your not the group of people Im talking about unless your doing more then weed,then you really need to think about life and where you want to go with it.

If you smoke weed while you go to school ok then as long as it not a every day thing.
But believe me my father when he was my age made alot of mistakes concerning drugs and I wouldn't have been born if he didn't stop being a pot smoker.
Yes the drug of choice for my dad was weed, He told me he had to plead with himself to stop getting high he even got high while he already was in the Police Academy.But he managed to stop and I am very proud to be his sun,could you say the same thing about someone who sit sat home all day getting high,or instead of paying child support decides to buy crack or whatever?
And I know alot of people that are going to come in here and say"I have a job and I can still get high"

Without asking what kind of job that is,think about it, this job you have when you are 18-20 that lets you get high once in a while,it probably doesn't pay that well does it?
Is that the job you want to for the rest of your life?
Drugs don't get you any where in life thats a fact.

So long as we're on the topic of "first hand experience" logical fallacy,

sinkoman said:
man in his fifties, who works at Berkely labs, who programs a ring of highly powerful lasers designed to illuminate microscopic particles for photographing, who smokes weed. I'd hardly consider him a slug.

I don't mean to be a swine, but your dad sounds like he's weak, and has an addictive personality. It was stupid of him to start in the first place, as everybody needs to understand their own physical limits.

At my high point, I smoked maybe twice a week at most. I've stopped a few times since then, twice for the hell of it, once for sports, and another because I ran into trouble with parental figures. You must understand that no matter what the substance, habitual usage will create problems on both a physical and mental level. The issue is not exclusive to weed alone.

You're making the mental connection between "failure" and "drug user". Logical argument has no place for correlation without factual basis. Stop it. Stop identifying "failure" and "drug user" as potentially one in the same. START arguing actual facts against drug use, regardless of its purported sociological ends.

Only THEN will you stop sounding like a twat.

BTW, i'd hardly consider myself a failure either, although I suppose I still have some ways to go. I'm in my second year of AP Computer Science, going for a full college year credit (as I scored a 4 out of 5 on the half credit exam), and the rest of my classes are either X level, Y level, or an elective.

Drugs don't get you any where in life thats a fact.

Main Entry: fact
Pronunciation: 'fakt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
5 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality
- in fact : in truth

But believe me my father when he was my age made alot of mistakes concerning drugs and I wouldn't have been born if he didn't stop being a pot smoker.
And then we wouldn't be having this argument, and therefore the topic wouldn't have been derailed.

See, drugs can do good things! :D
For ****s sake. Getting high/drunk does not stop you having a decent job. Getting ****ed to the point it effects your work will stop you having a decent job.

We had a family gathering on the weekend, and we all got absolutly blatted, but look, here I am in the office on time and doing my job.

Drugs are not just for escapism. I like to drink because it relaxes me, and it lowers the inhibitions, making you more comfortable with the people around you. Many drugs do much the same.
Alcohol is my legal high. I'm a happy drunk, it's great. :D

Oh and Tick, I think I'll report your post. If you've had bad experiences with anything to do with this subject, we don't all need to hear your self-righteous criticsm.

If anything, start your own thread.
Some people dont want to admit to themselves that what they were taught growing up isn't necessarily right.

Drugs = BAD!!!
Drug Users = BAD!!!
Some people dont want to admit to themselves that what they were taught growing up isn't necessarily right.

Drugs = BAD!!!
Drug Users = BAD!!!

I tried Salvia x15 extract a few months ago and it did jack shit for me and my mates, although this was at Download festival so the stuff they were pushing was probably all fake anyway. Another friend of mine has had the same stuff before and he thought he was sailing in a canoe with Rob Flynn from Machine Head... so I guess it's pretty unpredictable in it's effects.
Let's play a little game :D

Next person to go off topic - and that means either discussing illegal drugs or stating your desire to excrete on someone - get an infraction.

Come on, it'll be fun!

I tried Salvia x15 extract a few months ago and it did jack shit for me and my mates, although this was at Download festival so the stuff they were pushing was probably all fake anyway. Another friend of mine has had the same stuff before and he thought he was sailing in a canoe with Rob Flynn from Machine Head... so I guess it's pretty unpredictable in it's effects.

I was told the Salvia there was pretty weak as well, mind you I doubt anybody was in any kind of state to smoke it properly.
Let's play a little game :D

Next person to go off topic - and that means either discussing illegal drugs or stating your desire to excrete on someone - get an infraction.

Come on, it'll be fun!

I cant help but think that was directed at me somehow :laugh:
I was told the Salvia there was pretty weak as well, mind you I doubt anybody was in any kind of state to smoke it properly.
Well we did it through a bong and had a good 3-4 hits each and it gave nothing but a mild head rush :/

Oh well, we went off to steal beer and deck chairs instead.

I tried Salvia x15 extract a few months ago and it did jack shit for me and my mates, although this was at Download festival so the stuff they were pushing was probably all fake anyway. Another friend of mine has had the same stuff before and he thought he was sailing in a canoe with Rob Flynn from Machine Head... so I guess it's pretty unpredictable in it's effects.

Did you not notice the hoardes of police and officials at Download? Any legal highs sold were under strict regulations, so you'll have to try it again
Did you not notice the hoardes of police and officials at Download? Any legal highs sold were under strict regulations, so you'll have to try it again
Of course I did, we had an ounce of weed on us the whole time. I'm perfectly aware of the regulations, yet I was still expecting something half decent for ?10. Oh well, I didn't buy it so nothing lost nothing gained.
Closed until you guys figure out how to delineate between a legal highs discussion and a debate on the merits and morals of drug use or legality.

If the latter is what you want to talk about, make a thread in politics and have at it. Matter of fact, should that happen, you all know that I'll be one of the first to dive in headfirst and start spitting some knowledge.

Regardless, the arguing in this thread is not the positive or constructive kind, and it's just generally not a very healthy thread.

On-topic, though, as far as I have investigated legal highs, there aren't that many of them. Now that fresh mushrooms have been banned in the UK, there are only a few significant psychoactives that remain legal to purchase and possess. Salvia divinorum, which has already been mentioned, is far from benign and friendly and is one of the most powerful psychedelics/dissociatives thus far discovered. I'm warning any of you who want to try it: 80% of people who have significant psychedelic effects from Salvia do not end up enjoying it. It's disorienting, alien, and frightening, and absolutely nothing like other psychedelics.

Kava is a sort of tea you can buy - get Kava tea and make 4-6 teabags in one cup, and you'll get mild relaxant/opioid effects, which is nice but not exactly a powerful experience.

LSA, which is d-lysergic acid amide, a closely related cousin of the notorious LSD, or d-lysergic acid diethylamide, is a long-lasting psychedelic that is legal at least in the sense that it's easily procured and ingested legally. I'm not entirely sure whether LSA itself is legal but that's not a factor because it is found in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, easily ordered online, or Morning Glory (the flower) seeds, easily ordered... by walking into the nearest nursery, hardware store, or Wal-Mart. You only need between 6 and 12 HBW seeds as far as I know, while the dosage for Morning Glories is significantly more (in the hundreds of seeds). There is a lot of easily found info online about this. The trip itself is quite psychedelic (but not quite entirely like acid, or so I have heard), long-lasting, and potentially intense. Unfortunately, Morning Glories in particular can make some people very nauseated, and nausea + tripping = not an exciting experience, so if you do use them, be prepared to spend a good amount of effort extracting them to avoid this (or if you don't care just munch them down).

I don't know much about Kratom or BZP other than that I'm not interested in them, so feel free to research those independently. Afaik, Kratom is a plant from which an opioid can be extracted and is legal in most of the world. BZP is an ecstasy substitute (another 5-HT agonist) that is illegal in the USA but not the UK.

The Fly Agaric (amanita) is another sort of hallucinogenic mushroom (NOT like the well-known "magic mushrooms" which contain psilocybin and psilocin) with effects better classified as deleriant than psychedelic. I haven't looked into it much because it doesn't interest me a whole lot, but you can order them online and they are legal to possess.

DMT/5-MeO-DMT and peyote can both be obtained by plant extractions but I will not discuss them or how to do it because they are both illegal, as per Munro's wishes.

There is an entire host of legal psychoactives called research chemicals (which is what they are) that you can buy online. These are essentially designer drugs that are too new/obscure to have been made illegal, and it's possible that one could get in trouble for possessing them due to various federal analogue acts (I am talking about the US, I think they are all illegal in the UK). If you're interested, look more into 2c-i, 2c-e, etc. 2c-b is the only one that has been made illegal (as it was used as an ecstacy substitute).

Questions or reasons to reopen the thread, PM me. I do not encourage, suggest, or otherwise condone the use or abuse of drugs, legal or otherwise. I only feel that one should be informed in any case.
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