Legendary: The Box


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Borrowed from ntsc-uk

'Charles Deckard is a thief and a good one at that. He doesn't ask questions of his clients; what they want, he steals. But Deckard is a curious fellow and when he's tasked with stealing an ornate box from a New York museum, he can't resist taking a peak inside. They say curiosity killed the cat; this time it may just kill all of humanity.

Turns out, Deckard opened Pandora's Box creating a portal that brings a flood of mythological creatures into New York. By the time Deckard escapes the cracked the crumbling museum, the streets of Manhattan are in total chaos.'






Could be fun. Oh, it's made by Gamecock XD (yes, I still find rude words funny)

For 360, pc and PS3.
Hmm, could be fun. Can't watch the trailer now (at work), but I will have to check it out soon! Gotta love (game)cock though. :E
It doesn't look that inspiring, but I do like the first screenshot with the werewolf hiding in the corner. The griffin coming out of the flames looks pretty neat too.

tbh, despite how easy it is to slate generic fps, I do still quite enjoy them if they have something a little special - it could be the setting, the weapons, just something. Not saying this will be the case with Legendary, but I do find the idea of shooting a load of mythological creatures strangely appealing.
What would be really cool is if stealing was part of the actual game.
The fire and rocky debris look like PS2-grade ass.

Game might be cool though.
Looks like shit tbh. I can already smell the half-baked stealth elements a mile away.

That or it has none and it's just a generic shooter... in which you play a thief. I know, sounds smart, huh?
What would be really cool is if stealing was part of the actual game.
Seriously. When I read the first paragraph, I was like, "This could be awesome." And then there was the second paragraph, and the pictures. Lame.