Lemonking explain yourself

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May 23, 2005
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Lemonking, after studying all my recent posts, I stumbled upon two rather disturbing statements made by you:

On 27-05-2005, 02:44 AM , in this thread you said:

ur kinda annoying....
wait....Youre Goethe right?^^

In this other thread , (28-05-2005, 04:47 AM) you said:

uhhhhhh YOU badass Gangsta .........
You are Goethe right? admit it!

Now my question is, who is "Goethe" and why would I be Goethe? Am I supposed to take that as a compliment or as an insult?
OMG! ...you are Goethe right?^^ You know it!
There was a famous scientist called Goethe i believe, but also a member here called that, who made about 50 threads a day on crap, and everyone complained about him, then he flipped out and got banned...and came back apologising, and got banned again. Not seen him since, but me and him where NOT good friends at all hehe. He'll never forget me...but i guess thats what he meant.
Hectic Glenn said:
There was a famous scientist called Goethe i believe, but also a member here called that, who made about 50 threads a day on crap, and everyone complained about him, then he flipped out and got banned...and came back apologising, and got banned again. Not seen him since, but me and him where NOT good friends at all hehe. He'll never forget me...but i guess thats what he meant.

i still remember when i quoted you and him on my sig.
morningstar said:
i still remember when i quoted you and him on my sig.
What did it say? Can't remeber the golden days too well.
it said something like,

hectic: *bangs head on desk* time for a new daily goethe thread
goethe: yes indeed (or something like that)
lmao! Oh yeah sounds typical of myself at those times. It really was bad though, i mean it was literally (tones down exaggeration) 5 a day or something, and the topics were brain numbingly bad. No offense to the thread maker realising what lemonking meant. Let him go he's hospitalised!

Goethe Threads: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/search.php?searchid=424042
SimonomiS said:
Explain yurself what you mean when you say, half caste Goethe?
This is the bbc new, belt up!

/me mutters something about bloody poems from other cultures

Read through some of those old threads, he was...odd, i seem to be his number one enemy. How did he think of some of those thread? Like this one : linky
rofl... gordon does sound like fatso in spanish. Good ol' days.

almost there disturbed.
I can't believe I actually remembert that! Ah, the good old days.
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