Let me entertain you.

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Is what you should all be saying!

It seems that we have reached a point in the day, where me and another person. Lets call him, C Sh33p...No no, thats too obvious. Cyber S. We feel a need to have some fun.

So me and mr S feel that as a community of...aha...sociable people, you would know how to have fun while sat at home on the computer. Please, this is serious...It seems that I have even taken to chewing screws to occupy myself. and God only knows what mr S is up to in his Californian mansion.

Are there any interesting sites, that weren't previously stated in the "Entertain Onions" thread? Only you can tell...Perhaps there is even something other than computer that would help. :O

Or perhaps you could help me solve the mystery of why my pillows always go flat...
My pillows do that...I think its because they want to give me a bad neck. Maybe I should buy the space pillow and matress off QVC...developed for the space program funnily enough. Why they would need a matressin space, I don't know :)
Just call me B-Daddy, yo.

I'm here to please, my babies, I'm here to please!

I think ded hit us spot on. and I've read wikipedia. yeah, all of it.
Farrowlesparrow said:
My pillows do that...I think its because they want to give me a bad neck. Maybe I should buy the space pillow and matress off QVC...developed for the space program funnily enough. Why they would need a matressin space, I don't know :)

Damn things! My old ones were too flat. I had to put my arm underneath to support my head! So anyway, i bought these new ones a couple of months ago. Nice big-bugger fluffy ones. And now the damn things are flat again!

Can anyone suggest a good quality pillow?!!
You have any pets? Cause if not, you can have mine.

/me ignores cats cries some more.
Are they feather pillows? You can just sort of plump them up..I prefer feather ones to foam and stuff like that.
I suppose in space they must tie themselves into bed?!

Never thought of that before :S

EDIT: MrD takes a note to try some feather pillows. :thumbs:
my back is really sensitive, its weird
it is like a sensation of wtf whenever I touch it
Well I got bored with your sites :P

And decided to take a photo out of my bedroom window...
Farrowlesparrow said:
My pillows do that...I think its because they want to give me a bad neck. Maybe I should buy the space pillow and matress off QVC...developed for the space program funnily enough. Why they would need a matressin space, I don't know :)

I own said bed an pillow, the real ones, and its the composition that was developed at nasa, and then was taken and redesigned by Bob Trussell, Tempur-Pedic® Founder and CEO to what it is today.

Its by far the most comfortable mattress and pillow i've ever used.
The estimated time needed to read wikipedia is 10 years.
but the estimated time for me to run to starbucks is only about 10 minutes! and god knows I need it!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well I got bored with your sites :P

And decided to take a photo out of my bedroom window...

WOW, nice view :thumbs:
You take alot of money see.... then you go out and buy a catamaran, see... and then you install a satelite modem on it, and then you invite me on it, and then we can be like on the forums "Look at teh cuutie doolphines!!1"
MaxiKana said:
You take alot of money see.... then you go out and buy a catamaran, see... and then you install a satelite modem on it, and then you invite me on it, and then we can be like on the forums "Look at teh cuutie doolphines!!1"
sounds like a plan, larry!
I need to bookmark this thread, it's good both for a laugh and for some neat links when you're bored! :D