let's all play- "Would you Rather This or That?!"

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The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Here's how you play, you think of two horrible scenarios, and the next person to post has to choose one, and then they leave their disturbing "this or that" question.

(I.E: *talking to a Christian woman* Would you rather masturbate with the crucifix, or be nailed to a piece of wood?")

I'll start us off, would you rather make love to your mother, or make love to a dog?

by the way- you can make them more elaborate
a dog, but only if its a terrier...

would you rather eat human shit or watch your parents have oral sex?
a dog, but only if its a terrier...

would you rather eat human shit or watch your parents have oral sex?

holy crap (no pun intended) that is SUCH a lose/lose situation. Honestly... I am gunna have to say watching the parents... *pukes a little*
Would you rather have sex with a dog or a cat?

Do a fat chick or do an elderly chick?

Do a fat chick or do an elderly chick?
thats a good one ... better than mine.

it would depend on how elderly and how fat, considering the extremes of the two, i'd have to say fat.

Do a fat chick or do an elderly chick?

the kettle doesnt call the pot black ;) your participating.

Yeah, it definately depends how fat or how elderly
No forum games = truth..

Sleep with your mom or sleep with your sister? *both are smoking hot*
Sister, without a doubt.


the kettle doesnt call the pot black ;) your participating.

Yeah, it definately depends how fat or how elderly

Games are fun, but now allowed. Thus I take full advantage when a newb breaks the rules.

Receive 1 million dollars or get a free space shuttle trip to the moon?
Receive 1 million dollars.

Would you rather eat at McDonalds or Burger King?
Sister, without a doubt.


Games are fun, but now allowed. Thus I take full advantage when a newb breaks the rules.

Receive 1 million dollars or get a free space shuttle trip to the moon?

theres a few forum games on this site.... so what, should i just delete this?
Burger king

Would you rather have a shit computer or a shit car?
Shit car.

Type with a mouse or move the cursor with a keyboard?
Cursor with keyboard. Hotkeys ftw!

be blind deaf and mute or paralyzed?
Would you rather have Microsoft rule the world?


Would you rather have EA rule the world?
Assuming you mean permanently obese... Horse. I hope it's one of those miniature ponies D:

Be rich in the 1930s or be poor in the 2010s?
Rich in the 30's. **** being poor.

Cancer or AIDS?
I guess cancer. better chance of surviving i guess. **** either one though

would you rather burn or drown?
Drown. I like water.
Fuogo nor so much

Would you rather have a ton of money forever and sex once every 3 years, or have sex all the time but be poor?
Damn, I guess poor and sex all the time, bc being rich and only having sex once every damn three years, that would mean i was'nt with my girlfriend anymore, and id give up any thing to be with her. ****ing corny, iknow.

would you rather become a headcrab zombie, or a stalker
stop failing at your own game, and post another situation.

hey, the whole "I am gunna be a dick to a 'newbie'" thing is getting old.

I am not posting anymore situations because I just want to answer a few, I already had my turn to make up a situation, and cant think of one at the moment.

If I'd known you were going to PMS on every single note I made, I would have picked you up some tampons on the way home.

Now stop bitching, and just enjoy the thread. Done
Would you rather:

Keep making these threads and be banned.


Stop making these threads and not be banned.

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