Let's blame the Jews!

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a summary of the content of the video would be nice
That it's absurd to "Jew" are trying to import Muslim immigrants to europe to control ze world when they are the ones suffering from attacks from Muslims.
He posts like 6 differnt links with examples,here are some.
Oh and he points out how absurd groups like AntiFa are they hate on Israel but support Muslim hardliners etc.

Jews abandon Swedish city amid growing anti-Semitism

Pro-Israel rally crashed in Sweden
unozero said:
That it's absurd to "Jew" are trying to import Muslim immigrants to europe to control ze world


your first link doesnt work and I dont see what your point is in the second link. whenever there's a pro-israel protest in toronto supporters of palestine will come out to counter protest. same thing goes for Pro-Palestinian protests. jews come out in droves and fights usually erupt. there's far more jews than palestianian suporters usually. it's also no different every single time there's a Macedonian parade in greek town (toronto) the greeks come out in droves and throw shit at the paraders

I cant watch the video atm but from his past videos that guy seems to have a hardon for muslim hate in general
I remember seeing that asshole like five years ago, had no idea he was still producing. Does he ever back up all the shit he is saying. He generalized the 53 million muslims in Europe without a single hesitation.
*cough* rape capital of europe *cough*



your first link doesnt work and I dont see what your point is in the second link. whenever there's a pro-israel protest in toronto supporters of palestine will come out to counter protest. same thing goes for Pro-Palestinian protests. jews come out in droves and fights usually erupt. there's far more jews than palestianian suporters usually. it's also no different every single time there's a Macedonian parade in greek town (toronto) the greeks come out in droves and throw shit at the paraders

I cant watch the video atm but from his past videos that guy seems to have a hardon for muslim hate in general

He talks about the Catholic Church in this Vid as well.
You already know that I'm not good at explaining things I guess,so when you get home take a few minutes and watch the Vid.
Basically hardliners of any religion = ****wits of the first order whether they be Jews, Muslims or Christians. These are people who have spurned the core reality (that we are all human beings) for concepts that are inherently separatist, xenophobic and regressive at their core. Until mankind as a whole is brave enough to throw away these redundant shackles of the past, progress as a species is going to continue to be hindered. Tradition is the tyranny of dead men, that the weak willed, craven and foolish readily surrender to.
Unozero, every one in a while I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and actually listen to what you have to say with an open mind. [STRIKE]Uusally[/STRIKE] every time I'm disappointed. In this case obviously you didn't say anything, but I went ahead and watched the 6 minute video you posted. And after finishing it I want those 6 minutes of my life back.

Do you truly agree with everything this guy is saying? How much time did you actually spend thinking about what he had to say (any at all)?

Lets start with his main point, that people think Jews control the world. Do SOME people think that? Sure. Just as some people think Bush did 9/11 or that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Crazy people exist, that's just the way it is. Yet Pat Condell (this guy is seriously still around?) is acting as if this is some kind of mainstream thinking. It even lead you to ask if antisemitism is rampant in europe. Let me answer that for you, no, no it's not.

Second, he completely dismisses the idea of islamophobia as if no such thing exists. Which is odd when you consider his entire video is talking about what a huge problem antisemitism is. If we look at europe, and the west in general, islamophobia is far more rampant than antisemitism by a long shot. So this is hypocrisy at it's finest.

Third, lets actually look at what is happening in Gaza. Do palestinians hate Israel? I would imagine most of them do, and why the **** would anyone blame them for it? Take a look at this picture taken in I believe 2009:


You know what that is? That's phosphorus courtesy of Israel raining down on Gaza which just happens to be the most densely populated area in the world (considering how they have nowhere to go since Israel has made them prisoners in their own country). Waht you are seeing in that picture is also a war crime, and for good reason. So yes, Palestinians hate Israel. And I can't blame them for it. What people like you do is confuse hate of Israel with hate of Jews. It's completely dishonest and disingenuous on your part, I just wonder if you are aware that you are doing it.

The conflict between palestinians and israel is not a black and white one. When people say they support the right of Israel to defend themselves more often then not what they are really saying is they support the right of Israel to commit war crimes in the name of defense. Which is exactly what this douchebag is doing, and unfortunately once again you have fallen for it.

I do look forward to the day I spend some time on your posts and I don't leave with utter disappointment. I believe in you unozero, you can do eeet!
You missed the point of the entire Video.
where does he say or imply it's okay to commit warcrimes?
Also this Video has less to with Israel and more to do with Jews in Europe.
Your hatred for Israel clouds your mind I think.
He doesn't say Islamphobia doesn't exist but it is used as defense by the same people who are deeply anti-Semitic.

You fail.
No, I didn't miss the point of the video. And I'm sorry you missed the point of my post (which was totally expected).

I'm at least glad you agree what you are seeing in that picture is a war crime. What do you think should be done about it?
flame baiting and trolling.
I won't fall for it.

A Video about anti Semitism in Europe and you go on a white knight rant in defense of the poor Palestinians and they have every right to hate Israel etc.

Mods please close this thread before it escalates .
Jesus christ.

I seriously wasn't trying to flame bait you. I was trying to get you to engage in an actual conversation. Sorry I failed.
Well I don't want it to get to a point where we start calling each names and I get banned for a month-AGAIN!
I had no intention of calling you any names. Are you incapable of having a discussion without name calling?

Lets try this: What do you think of the Israeli government approving the use of white phosphorus on populated civilian areas? I promise you, this is in no way a trick question.
They shouldn't have done that.But at the same time they can't always ignore the harassing mini rocket attacks or suicide bombers.
But yes it's a almost endless cycle of hatred but Hamas does not care about Peace they want to get rid of the Country of Israel.
So what do you think should be done about Israel using white phosphorus on populated areas? Anything?

Also, I never said Israel should ignore these mini-rocket attacks. But you have to consider all this in context. These rocket attacks kill far less people than the retaliation from Israel usually does. Look at the 2006 Israeli-Gaza conflict. While Hamas was unjustified in firing their rockets when the conflict was done Hamas killed 6 Israeli civilians and 5 Israeli soldiers. Israel in that same conflict killed over 500 palestinians, more than half of them civilians. They even bombed a UN compound after they were given warning that compound was there. Do you not see anything wrong with that?
Normally No Limit and I don't agree, but I gotta be honest that he's right on all counts so far. This video uses a whole lot of pathos and not much else, which makes for a pretty weak argument.
Mods please close this thread before it escalates .

unozero = pointless c**t

Last year some time back some Irish 'Real IRA' chaps thought it would be a laugh and a giggle to execute a couple British squaddies and some unfortunate Polish pizza delivery boy. Do you think that if the UK response to that 'terrorist' action had been to carpet bomb Cork back to the stone age that would of been acceptable conduct by any measure?
I have a question, when did calling people a 'jew' become such a prevalent insult with teenagers?
Here in the Netherlands we still have the so-called neonazis, but it seems like they are just a bunch of attention whores who hate jews for the sake of being a bad guy. They just protest without really making a point.
These responses made me realize why I don't post much here any longer. Calm down, it's an internet forum. I honestly doubt we'd see the rage replies in a real life situation that we're seeing.

I enjoyed the video very much, please don't bag on it unless you actually watch it, he makes very logical points that can and should be broken down and discussed individually.
These responses made me realize why I don't post much here any longer. Calm down, it's an internet forum. I honestly doubt we'd see the rage replies in a real life situation that we're seeing.

I enjoyed the video very much, please don't bag on it unless you actually watch it, he makes very logical points that can and should be broken down and discussed individually.

I'm sorry but the bit where he basically accused the Palestinians of being the ones who effectively cause the 'peace process' to break down constantly is laughable. Generally all Israel offers up is the golden opportunity for Palestine to legitimize Israel ass ****ing them even more and put an end to any opportunity for the UN to step in in future. All Israel has ever really offered Palestine is a different noose with which to hang themselves. Fundamentally the Israelis believe that their god granted them, his chosen people land stretching from x - y and unfortunately that land happens to include Palestine, and they are hell bent or reacquiring it all by whatever means and at whatever cost. What are the lives of some trespassing Goyim Vs enacting Gods will at the end of the day?
kadayi I don't think you watched the video or just a retard.
He was mainly talking Muslims Hardliners in Europe and when he did mention Palestine he also said Hamas.
Sometimes I forgot it's hip right now to hate Israel.
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