"let's just be friends"

Jul 27, 2004
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So i was LJBF's...and somehow those words triggered me to grow a set of enormous balls.

Okay, so, basically my dream girl "let's just be friends" me.

So what i said pretty much was -

And I told her, i'm sorry, but i'm not going to sit around and be a friend just because she wants to avoid guilt. (since we all know lets just be friends is just a way for girls to not feel guilty about turning guys down) I'm not going to stick around and get my hopes up for something that'll never come, so if your ever interested, you know where to find me, otherwise, for both of our sakes i'm going to just say goodbye and wish you the best.

Now....was I right, or was I wrong in how I handled this?
Homless Snark said:
So i was LJBF's...and somehow those words triggered me to grow a set of enormous balls.

Okay, so, basically my dream girl "let's just be friends" me.

So what i said pretty much was -

And I told her, i'm sorry, but i'm not going to sit around and be a friend just because she wants to avoid guilt. (since we all know lets just be friends is just a way for girls to not feel guilty about turning guys down) I'm not going to stick around and get my hopes up for something that'll never come, so if your ever interested, you know where to find me, otherwise, for both of our sakes i'm going to just say goodbye and wish you the best.

Now....was I right, or was I wrong in how I handled this?

Right, what a bitch for LJBFing you, she lied to you, she got what she had coming.
well, you were wrong for the right reasons- you definitely had a very good reason, but oftentimes, friendship leads up to something more.
I'm fighting the urge to go further on as to why these little relationships don't matter, as is my character...
What if she wanted to be your friend =| Screwed up big time their buddy, you can tell if i girl fruely feels quilty or not. If you honestly got along and you both feel comfortable around each other then whats the harm in being friends. Because she said that doesn't mean she hates you or anything, adn if you really like this girl you would happy to be friends. At the end of the day its your descision, and if you feel that way then be happy with your descision.
You did good. No use in hanging around her in the vain hopes of getting what you want.
Ev!lP!e said:
Because she said that doesn't mean she hates you or anything, adn if you really like this girl you would happy to be friends.

What would that accomplish? The agony of watching the woman you want bone other guys?

It reaches the point where you shit or get off the pot. He could be her fall-to guy and be "good buds" like a pathetic sap or could lay it out in the open, damn the results. If she says no, then how could you persist in that relationship?
The way I saw it at the time is that I feel for her too much to be just friends. Because of the reasons Absinthe mentioned. I know I couldn't be friends with her because that would just basically get my hopes up by being with her that there could be more. I don't think a friendship can end in anything other then letdown if one cares for the person a lot and it's not reciprocated, so why fool each other by being friends. That's how I saw it, I just want to see if i'm way off base here or correct. Seems I did the right thing from what everyone mentions.
who honestly says LJBF these days, everyone knows what it means lol, you pwned her
I was LJBF'd before but it led to the relationship. Depends on the girl, LJBF may hav ebeen honestly true and she wanted to be friends. If not you were right.
Good on you. Best to stand up for yourself, and you're right to say that it certainly isn't fair on you to have to watch her go through person after person who will never be as right for her as you think you are.
you should have LJBF'ed her back.... LOL

but seriously, you did the right thing, otherwise you would be torturing yourself by hanging around her and never getting any.
Wow you guys are harsh. One of my best friends who's a gal is fairly attractive and got asked a lot, I can see why she'd do LJBF. You wouldn't believe how many guys actually beg if you say no or just ask more and more. For some reason LJBF somehow stops it. It's really weird, but if the social situation was switched around where it was men who were constantly harassed by women (most of whom you really don't want nor do you want to hurt their feelings), I bet a lot of you would feel different on the situation.
I've been in the situation of some girl harassing me and in the end I just ignored her :)

She went away.
She LJBF'ed you? I INVENTED "Let's just be friends" IF ANYONE SHOULD JUST BE FRIEND'S IT'S ME! **I know I got the quote wrong**

Yeah, you did the right thing
She actually has sex with people only in her close ring of friends..

Oh, I think you just missed out..

Sorry man.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Wow you guys are harsh. One of my best friends who's a gal is fairly attractive and got asked a lot, I can see why she'd do LJBF. You wouldn't believe how many guys actually beg if you say no or just ask more and more. For some reason LJBF somehow stops it. It's really weird, but if the social situation was switched around where it was men who were constantly harassed by women (most of whom you really don't want nor do you want to hurt their feelings), I bet a lot of you would feel different on the situation.

Don't assume it doesn't happen to men...

jondyfun said:
Don't assume it doesn't happen to men...

It happened to me :hmph:

Trust me, I'm not bragging or trying to sound better out if it somehow either. This was nothing to be happy about *shudders*
May I suggest a song to make you feel even better about your actions?

Bleeding Mascara - Atreyu
(Must find the lyrics online though, as the song is very "angry" at times hehe)

Wish I had the stones you do... I am with this girl who has my heart in a blender and keeps pushing puree everytime we get close... I swear its up and down week after week and I love her so bad, but like sublime says, she treats me like shit....

I keep putting up with it because of the guilt trips, and the fact that I have such strong feelings for her, and shes so beautifull... but I don't know where it'll end.. Guess the good thing is, I am expecting the next calamity so I won't be quiet as bummed out this time...
You did good man, very good. If you had let it go onto the friends thing, once you get in the friends zone with a girl = near impossible to get a relationship from it. Nothing becomes good of it, something CB taught me back in the day. I didn't allow it to happen to myself, now im in a very comfy relationship. Definately good nipping that LJBF's in the bud. And that showed balls too, i'd say you got more chance now...over time though. Chin up :)
ComradeBadger said:
I've been in the situation of some girl harassing me and in the end I just ignored her :)

She went away.
I did the same thing 3 times.

Sometimes, when it's dark, I can see their eyes in the shadows! :eek: