Let's name our hard drives!!!!



Yes, it's aweomse! very simple, probably some of u have already done it, but right click on your hard drive(s) and click rename. Type in a name!

mine are called:

The Mighty One

It's pretty cool.
edit for comradebadger: the smiley is a ")"

so his is Condition (which is drive C) and Zero (which is drive Z)

let's not.. mine are both named "local disk", so one doesn't get jealous of the other (though the d drive has developed a complex about being a slave :()
I see, you ppl don't like my idea. fine. It's cool though!! o_O!
ATI4EVER! said:
HAHAHAHA!!!!! so u don't have sata do u? I don't either.
i have the mobo for it, but i'll probably wait until i upgrade my whole system in a year or 2 before getting sata..
that is what i am plannig on doin. I'm targeting to do it when longhorn gets released.
I call mine mr big bollocks because it reflects my self...z0r!

Actually, I don't have a name for them. However, my computer is called Rome on the network. The other computers around the house (including laptops) have ancient names also. Athens, Alexandria, Troy, Sparta and Corinth.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I call mine mr big bollocks because it reflects my self...z0r!

Actually, I don't have a name for them. However, my computer is called Rome on the network. The other computers around the house (including laptops) have ancient names also. Athens, Alexandria, Troy, Sparta and Corinth.

Why do you have to be so weird Farrow?
i actually meant that at farrow, but i guess zerimski's is inteesting too.
Hard Drives:
( C: ) = DSK1_VOL1
( D: ) = Local Disk
( F: ) = STORAGE


( E: ) = CD Drive
( G: ) = DVD Drive

Oddly enough I don't have an A:\ drive
qckbeam said:
Why do you have to be so weird Farrow?

Because I don't want to be scary like you :O

It just makes things nice and simple on the network, since we have so many comps around the house (My room, my brothers room, the office and the computer room..As well as a couple of plug in points downstairs in the cellar, the landings and I think even in the kitchen. :O Actually, now I write it out and think about it...my house is wired! :D) and the names are all quite memorable.

*We aren't rich either in case any of you were wondering, in fact up until last year, I qualified for EMA (Money from the government to help with educational expenses like bus payments). We just know how to handle the money we have.

Edit: Ah yes, forgot to list my drives.

A Floppy
C Local Disk
D Local Disk
G Mounted Image
H Mounted Image
I Mounted Image
J Mounted Image
ATI4EVER! said:
right.....bullshit, u are rich.

no offense intended.

Aha...No, really. I paid for my computer, and so did my brothers.

I worked the night/early morning shift at a cafe in the airport to pay for my computer...while still at college. My brothers did similar things.

My mum is on about £21,000 a year and my dad is self employed so that varies...but its not a lot most of the time. We have a very good accountant, who is a tax expert.
Lil' Timmy said:
let's not.. mine are both named "local disk", so one doesn't get jealous of the other (though the d drive has developed a complex about being a slave :()

OMG I just spit up orange juice on my keyboard... that was hilarious! hehe
My computer is a family computer :(. But im sure I would call them hilarious names so I could giggle to myself all day :D
my hard drives are named fluffeh and buffeh :p
yeah...they are weird lil critters :O
The Mighty One= windows+games+apps (40gb)
Pegasus= ripped DVDs (80gb)
Mine is called Bitfrost, Tor, Loke and Ragnarök.
My encryptionsoftware for all of them is Heimdal. :)